When people start out trying to get visitors to their site from AdWords they are always looking for the "cheap clicks.
" In this article I want to show you how to find this so you can maximize your profits and live your dream life.
Secret #1: You have to stop looking for $0.
05 click markets on AdWords.
I am here to tell you that those days are over.
You're not going to find a highly profitable market that is going to give you 50,000 visitors a month for $0.
05 a click.
The reason is that Google has saturated the Internet.
Everyone knows about it now and there are tons of tools to help people find markets.
So if a market is cheap then that means there is probably no money to be made in it.
Secret #2: Instead of trying to find the $0.
05 visitors or the "cheap clicks" and build your business around that, you need to make sure you are focusing on return on investment.
That means you need to focus on investing $1 in traffic and looking to get $3 to $5 back in new sales.
That is how you make the most money from AdWords.
Everyday I am looking for ways to invest $1 and get $3 to $5 back in new sales.
That way I don't have to worry about $0.
05 clicks.
I'd rather pay $2 a click and get $6 back in new income then pay $0.
05 a click and get $0.
10 back in new sales.
" In this article I want to show you how to find this so you can maximize your profits and live your dream life.
Secret #1: You have to stop looking for $0.
05 click markets on AdWords.
I am here to tell you that those days are over.
You're not going to find a highly profitable market that is going to give you 50,000 visitors a month for $0.
05 a click.
The reason is that Google has saturated the Internet.
Everyone knows about it now and there are tons of tools to help people find markets.
So if a market is cheap then that means there is probably no money to be made in it.
Secret #2: Instead of trying to find the $0.
05 visitors or the "cheap clicks" and build your business around that, you need to make sure you are focusing on return on investment.
That means you need to focus on investing $1 in traffic and looking to get $3 to $5 back in new sales.
That is how you make the most money from AdWords.
Everyday I am looking for ways to invest $1 and get $3 to $5 back in new sales.
That way I don't have to worry about $0.
05 clicks.
I'd rather pay $2 a click and get $6 back in new income then pay $0.
05 a click and get $0.
10 back in new sales.