Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Loss - Natural Thin Hair Treatments For Women

What you may want to consider are a few natural remedies that actually will stop hair loss naturally without unwanted side effects or costly treatments. You see when you use natural remedies from home, you are doing yourself a big favor.

Another hair pack for healthy hair that also prevents hair fall that utilizes honey is one prepared with olive oil and cinnamon powder. Add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a mixture of olive oil and honey in equal parts. Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair and let it remain for about 15 minutes. Wash it off thoroughly with a herbal shampoo.

Beat two eggs (or may be one, as per youre your hair length), one tsp honey and two tsp olive oil. Massage this mixture over your scalp and use hot towel. Wash it after an hour and get soft and manageable hair.

This nutrient also comes in the list of vitamins for hair growth for men and women. Vitamin C is basically an antioxidant that can also contribute substantially to prevent hair loss. Free radicals, molecules produced during oxidation process in our body are responsible for making hair brittle and weak. When hair becomes weak, it is very unlikely that they will remain on top of the head. However, this can be avoided through intake of antioxidant rich foods. The damaging effects of free radicals cannot harm the hair if natural sources of antioxidants are an integral part of diet. Otherwise, a diet deficient in vitamin C will eventually give rise to excessive hair loss. Citrus fruits like orange and grapefruit are considered to be excellent sources of vitamin C.

Indulging in meditation is your answer to the question on how to stop hair loss due to stress. It is also necessary to quit smoking and alcohol consumption to stop hair loss. If hair loss is caused due to the intake of certain type of medications, consult your doctor who can recommend some other medicine to cure the health problem.

Jojoba oil is believed to be a good cure for many hair problems and a regular scalp massage by this oil can reduce your hair related worries to a great extent. You should not consume cold drinks and junk food in excess if you wish to solve the problem of hair loss completely.

Using mustard oil with henna leaves is also said to be a good natural hair loss prevention option. In a tin basin, take 250 ml mustard oil and bring it to boiling point. When it starts boiling, add 60 grams of henna leaves until they get burnt in the oil. Store the oil in a bottle by filtering it and regularly massage your hair with it.
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