Business & Finance Personal Finance



Administrative Process

You must properly document all contact and interaction with anyone wishing to contract with you. If anyone calls you on the phone, record their name, number, date and time of call. Instruct them to stop calling, that all future contact must be made in writing. Record the date and time of all calls after this, even if you don't answer them.

You will require proof of delivery so send all correspondence via certified mail. Go to the post office and pick up six or more green certified mail receipts and return receipts before you begin (or print the delivery notice from the USPS tracking web site), then include the receipt number in the heading of all your letters, so there can be no doubt what certified mail number goes with what letter.

If you are dealing with a creditor, they have by law, according to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, thirty days to respond with proof of claim or repudiate the debt. Otherwise, you can give them say ten or fourteen days to respond to your counter-offer.

If they do not respond within the prescribed period of time, or they respond but do not provide the required proof of claim (or whatever your counter-offer requires), you mail a Notice of Fault and Opportunity to Cure, which they must respond to within the ten day period or be in default and dishonor.

If they do not respond, you mail them a Notice of Default with Final Opportunity to Cure. If they do not respond, you mail a Finial Notice of Default and Certificate of Dishonor. This finial document should detail all the facts of the case to include all contacts and the steps of your process, sworn true and complete by you under penalty of perjury, witnessed, signed and stamped by a Notary Public. This gives the document full legal status.

So the order is: Presentment received; Counter-offer sent; Notice of Fault and Opportunity to Cure; Notice of Default with Final Opportunity to Cure; Finial Notice of Default and Notarized Certificate of Dishonor.

Any action Company X may try to take against you after this point is unlawful and actionable. You can take all your documents to the local court house and file for a Summary Judgment to include damages, where the court just stamps your order and now you have the power of the Marshall's office who can and will enforce court orders.

You may legally at this point file liens against, seize and liquidate the personal property and assets of the individual offender(s) named in your documents, or threaten to do so in order to get them to back off. This is the same system the banks use to foreclose on people and take away their homes. Now we know that it can be also be used to our own advantage.

Payment Vouchers and Coupons

When you receive a bill in the mail that has a payment coupon or voucher attached (usually perforated) at the bottom, this coupon is the payment! By instructing you to return the voucher along with a check in FRN, the service provider is actually asking you to pay twice.

For tax purposes, the company produces the returned voucher as evidence they provided you with the services, which is tax deductible for them, and it's up to you to request a refund from the IRS for the payments make in FRN.

If companies use our credit to provide (prepaid) products, then rather than paying again in FRN, we should either discharge the original amount from our exemption account, or receive a credit from the accounting office (IRS) for the extra payment made.

"Original Issue" is the first creation of money/credit that issued/came from our signature. How to do this has been intentionally obfuscated, but to balance the books, what you are suppose to do (in the US) is submit 1099OID (Original Issue Discount) forms (with form 1096) for all your expenses (everything you paid for with FRN) and receive a tax refund from the IRS based on this being considered prepaid taxes.

There is a three year statue of limitations on tax filing and auditing. Corporations in the know are able to request all the unpaid tax refunds not claimed by their customers after three years. This is why so many multi-national corporations pay little or no taxes, and even receive refunds. This is money that should be refunded back to the people but instead has been intentionally withheld to the benefit of those who control government and corporations.

If the system operated the way it was originally intended to, we would use our exemption accounts to discharge all our personal debts, and/or the Treasury would refund back to the people all payments made in FRN. The government would also payout dividends earned from corporate profits (selling of technology) to their shareholders in trust, we the people.

Accept For Value to Discharge Debt

For as long as we have been using FRN, there has been no real money to actually be able to pay for anything. All we can do is charge and discharge debt, and the books are balanced when an equivalent entry is recorded on both sides of the ledger.

"Accepted for Value" (A4V) is a method that can be effectively used to discharge bills/presentments sent with a payment voucher attached. I know from personal experience the IRS for one will not refuse or return your payment made in this method. It actually helps them settle their books. Credit collectors will typically write the balance off because they can't do anything else, and it's a tax write-off for them. Credit card companies don't want to admit it, but they will also write off the payment (and close your account) and receive a tax credit to settle their books.

In red ink, at a forty-five degree angle (called "Bankers Script") on the upper portion of the bill write: "Accepted for value - Returned for value. Exempt from levy. Offset this billing by routing through and ledgering against the Private Exemption account of John-Quincy:Doe (your name), Private offset account # 123456789 (your SSN without dashes) at the Department of Treasury for credit to: (whoever offers you the contract/presentment) - for further credit to the account of: JOHN Q DOE, account # 123-45-6789 (your SSN with dashes). By: (signature), Authorized Representative, Principal. Date:_________
USPS Certified Main Receipt # _________________________________________"

On the lower portion of the bill, under the perforation is the payment coupon or voucher. We are going to turn this into a Money Order. It must contain all the basic elements of a typical bank draft/check. Complete in blue or black ink as follows:

"Date" top right corner; "MONEY ORDER" top center; "Pay to the order of: (whoever offers you the contract/presentment): left center; "the amount written out in words", second line, left center; "Amount in numbers", right center; "By: (signature), Authorized Representative for JOHN Q DOE, EIN# 123-45-6789" lower right corner. Make sure to endorse it on the back like a check, with your signature and EIN#.

Secured Party Creditor

The Uniform Commercial Code, UCC, the International law that governs commerce, allows "Creditors" to make a claim and place a lien against anyone's material assets that they have a legal claim to, and become a "Secured Party" who is first in line for payment if or when the assets are sold or transferred.

This method can be used to place liens against those who have been named in the Administrative procedure you have completed. It can also be used to secure your personal assets (from those who may want to confiscate your property), through a declared agreement between you and your corporate person.

Jane-Quinn: Doe may establish her legal claim to JANE Q DOE's assets by creating a Private Security Agreement between Doe and DOE, where they both agree that Jane controls everything but owns nothing while JANE owns and owes everything.

Jane then becomes a Secured Party Creditor to all of JANE's assets by properly filing a UCC 1 Financing Statement with the State. This places a lien on all your own assets and legally secures your stake in the identified assets with a superior claim to all others, even those of government.

Claim of Right

A claim of right is a personal statement of truth, in the form of an affidavit, declaring and claiming your natural rights to life, liberty and property. When the proper administrative procedure is used, your rights are recognized by common law and can not be infringed upon by Statutory law.

Draw up your claim of right affidavit, have it notarized, mail copies to all government offices of law in your country - The Federal Attorney General, the Solicitor General, State Attorney and local law enforcement.

An unrebutted affidavit is truth in law, so unless they respond in honor (within the prescribed time period) and rebut your affidavit point-for-point, or if they do not respond, they accept your claim and your affidavit becomes legal and solid under law. Filing with the county recorders office also makes it a public declaration.
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