Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

An Effective Dry Skin Therapy Goes Beyond a Simple Trip to the Store

For dry skin therapy, you need a specialist. You won't find that specialist hiding in the cosmetic industry. Dry skin remedies are a health subject.

Sure, excessive dryness and flakiness affect your appearance, but they are symptoms of a health problem. At the root of the problem, could be several issues. How's your overall health?

I always take a holistic approach to skincare subjects. If you look at dry skin therapy alone, without considering the "whole" body, then you are missing out on several beneficial dry skin remedies.

Drinking Water

First of all, most people simply do not drink enough pure water. They drink sodas, coffee and other beverages that are dehydrating. They fail to consider the purity of the water that they do drink. Traces of toxins present in our water supplies interfere with the body's ability to heal, which in turn inhibits the natural skin rejuvenation process.

In the Shower

Chlorine showerhead filters are often recommended as dry skin remedies. Chlorine strips the skin's natural oils or sebum. Make sure you are using a mild natural cleanser. Try manuka honey bars. They are soothing, healing, naturally antibacterial soaps. Manuka honey has proven benefits in dry skin therapy, even when conditions such as psoriasis and eczema are present.


Are you eating lots of fruits and vegetables? Do you eat fish three to five times per week? Do you take a daily nutritional supplement and a fish oil supplement? All of these things are important.

Topically applied dry skin remedies should also be like nutritional supplements. To improve your skin's health, you need essential fatty acids, the primary component of sebum, the skin's natural moisturizer.

For many years, the oft-recommended dry skin therapy was the use of mineral oil and/or petrolatum. These do not contain essential fatty acids. They are not beneficial to the skin's health. In fact, they can be detrimental.

They affect the skin's natural pH balance, which again interferes with the natural rejuvenation process. The ingredients to look for in a night cream for include the following.

  • Shea butter, a natural moisturizer that is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy feeling and is virtually identical to sebum

  • Manuka honey, which has proven benefits for relieving dryness and flakiness

  • Avocado oil which is rich in essential fatty acids and other important nutrients

You also need dry skin remedies to use during the day. Avoid the use of artificial preservatives and fragrances. Only use products that contain alcohols derived from plants. Other types are very drying. The daily use of sunscreen is not beneficial, although it's difficult to find a cream that does not contain one.

If you are a woman or a man, look for a cream that is rich in grape seed oil. It is also compatible with sebum, but is light enough to use during the day.

Now, you have the complete approach to dry skin therapy. The next step is to simply find some good products and use them.
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