EVE Online is one of the hardest MMOs to cheat at, and attempting EVE Online cheats is a surefire way to get your account shut down and your characters nuked.
There are two primary methods of doing EVE Online cheats.
The first is buying ISK (the in game currency) offline and having it transferred to your account.
However, CCP cracks down on this hard; they track the accounts of known ISK sellers (and look for "mining bot" operations that these people use to generate the currency that they sell...
and then penalize the players who buy the ISKs by rescinding the transferred money and then hitting them with punitive in game fines - this can result in an account balance that's negative - and negative by a couple of million to a couple hundred million ISK.
That may not sound quite so bad, but consider - to get an agent mission in EVE Online, you have to pay a small fee to the agent.
If your balance is deeply in the negative, you won't be able to.
The only way you'll get out of the hole is spending a lot of time floating in space killing pirates, or asking your friends to bail you out.
Again, this is all part of the penalty for being caught doing EVE Online cheats.
In extreme cases, EVE Online will close down the accounts of people who are repeat offenders at this.
The more technically savvy EVE Online cheat will merit you an auto-ban; it involves using database analysis tools to analyze patches, and compare them to prior patches and files used in the prior installation.
The aim of this EVE Online cheat is to find malformed tables, and little exploits that can be had.
When CCP, the company that runs EVE Online, detects this, they usually issue new patches within 24 hours; interestingly enough, they don't actually try to go after people who do this; the interior logic at CCP is that people who will take the effort to do this are telling them where things have slipped through quality assurance.
While not exactly an EVE Online cheat, there are also 'bot programs that will run your account for you.
Some, like EVEMon, are tacitly approved.
Others are programs that will automate mining and the like.
Because the sort of actions that a macro or 'bot can do have very different play patterns than a human being playing the game, the trick to using EVE Online cheats of this nature is to be subtle about it.
EVE Online can and does nuke accounts for this as a violation of the Terms of Service.
So, if you're going to attempt any of these EVE Online cheats, our advice is to reconsider it.
You play EVE Online for fun, and for the experience of the game.
If you're cheating just to get to the "top of the heap", you're depriving yourself of the experience that you're paying a monthly subscription fee for...
and you won't enjoy your character's capabilities for having gotten them this way anyway.
There are two primary methods of doing EVE Online cheats.
The first is buying ISK (the in game currency) offline and having it transferred to your account.
However, CCP cracks down on this hard; they track the accounts of known ISK sellers (and look for "mining bot" operations that these people use to generate the currency that they sell...
and then penalize the players who buy the ISKs by rescinding the transferred money and then hitting them with punitive in game fines - this can result in an account balance that's negative - and negative by a couple of million to a couple hundred million ISK.
That may not sound quite so bad, but consider - to get an agent mission in EVE Online, you have to pay a small fee to the agent.
If your balance is deeply in the negative, you won't be able to.
The only way you'll get out of the hole is spending a lot of time floating in space killing pirates, or asking your friends to bail you out.
Again, this is all part of the penalty for being caught doing EVE Online cheats.
In extreme cases, EVE Online will close down the accounts of people who are repeat offenders at this.
The more technically savvy EVE Online cheat will merit you an auto-ban; it involves using database analysis tools to analyze patches, and compare them to prior patches and files used in the prior installation.
The aim of this EVE Online cheat is to find malformed tables, and little exploits that can be had.
When CCP, the company that runs EVE Online, detects this, they usually issue new patches within 24 hours; interestingly enough, they don't actually try to go after people who do this; the interior logic at CCP is that people who will take the effort to do this are telling them where things have slipped through quality assurance.
While not exactly an EVE Online cheat, there are also 'bot programs that will run your account for you.
Some, like EVEMon, are tacitly approved.
Others are programs that will automate mining and the like.
Because the sort of actions that a macro or 'bot can do have very different play patterns than a human being playing the game, the trick to using EVE Online cheats of this nature is to be subtle about it.
EVE Online can and does nuke accounts for this as a violation of the Terms of Service.
So, if you're going to attempt any of these EVE Online cheats, our advice is to reconsider it.
You play EVE Online for fun, and for the experience of the game.
If you're cheating just to get to the "top of the heap", you're depriving yourself of the experience that you're paying a monthly subscription fee for...
and you won't enjoy your character's capabilities for having gotten them this way anyway.