Home & Garden Landscaping & Garden & Landscape

How to Build Your Own Outdoor Fountain

Learning how to build your own outdoor fountain is simple.
You can probably make it with a few odds and ends laying about the house or you can splurge and make something a little bigger and fancier.
If you are looking to beautify a garden, an outdoor fountain is the way to go.
There are a couple things you need to pick up before tackling the project: A retaining pool Pump Tubing Silicone sealant Waterproof electrical connectors Decorative brick or stone work Before you start digging the hole for the retaining pool have the power company check for any buried cables.
It's a free service and sure beats cutting into any buried wires.
Break out the shovel and start digging up your garden.
All you need to do is dig a hole that's slightly larger and deeper than the retaining pool you purchased from the hardware store.
Cut a small hole in the side of the retaining pool for the pump power cable.
Run a piece of cable through the hole to the center of the pool.
Make sure you use waterproof cable! Plug the hole you just cut with some silicon sealant.
Place the retaining pool in the hole.
Backfill dirt around the sides of the retaining pool so that it's nice and snug in the hole.
Next thing to do is place the pump in the center of the fountain and wire it up using waterproof connectors.
Use tumbled river rock or stone along the bottom of the fountain to disguise the pump and add allure to the pool.
Now you'll need to bury the power cable from the pump all the way back to a power source at the house.
Hopefully it's close by! Fill your new outdoor fountain with water and wait an hour or so to ensure there aren't any leaks.
If the water level doesn't change, you're set to start the pump.
When plugging the pump into a power source make sure it's on a ground fault interrupt circuit to prevent any shocks.
If everything is hooked up right your fountain should be gurgling happily away.
Watch the fountain for a few minutes.
You want to make sure water isn't sloshing out the sides.
If there is any splash over simply unplug the pump.
Roll up yours sleeves and reposition the pump.
Keep repeating until you have a nice, centered water column.
Now that everything is just right, backfill the trench you just dug for the power cord.
Remove any loose dirt from around the fountain.
You don't want to turn it into a mud bath! For a decorative effect you can plant creeping ferns or other ground cover all along the fountain edge.
Now that you've learned how to build your own outdoor fountain, all that's left is to sit back, grab a nice cold drink and enjoy the waterworks.
A well maintained outdoor fountain will provide years of enjoyment for you and your family as well as add style and value to your home.
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