- It used to be thought that a puppy or kitten needed to be at least six months old to be spayed. But the American Veterinary Medical Association supports spaying a healthy puppy or kitten as young as six weeks old as long as she is at least 2 lbs.
- Due to the advance in veterinary surgery and anesthesiology, it's not only dogs and cats that can be spayed safely, and ferrets, rabbits and guinea pigs are also routinely spayed.
- Spaying does not have to be expensive, and there are many low-cost spay and neuter clinics (see Resources). Some charities like the Dogs' Trust in the United Kingdom will often cover spaying costs for homeless people's pets.
- Some people think that a puppy or a kitten needs to go through one season before being spayed in order to avoid having their growth stunted, but this has never been proven.
- Some pet owners think that the pets will feel sad when they cannot have offspring, but again, this has never been proven in any studies.