Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Information About Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal Compression within the back and neck is caused by irregularities within the spinal anatomy that infringe on surrounding spinal nerves, nerve roots, or the spinal cord itself.
The spine is made up of vertebrae, inter-vertebral disc's, muscles, ligaments, and joints.
The joints and discs are especially prone to damage as time goes by, and herniated discs, bulging discs, or bone spurs can project into your spinal canal and infringe on neural activity, which in turn can cause symptoms of numbness, weakness, tingling, and pain.
Spinal Decompression Therapy focuses on releasing tension which has developed all around spinal nerves.
Due to the fact spinal nerve roots are the origin for all your nerves within the body, pressure on these nerves could cause pain to radiate in to the extremities.
It is very important to remember the term "decompression therapy," can span an array of pain relief approaches, from non-operative to massively invasive surgery.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is often conducted on a specially engineered table in either a face up or face down position.
Clinical consideration along with your comfort are used in figuring out which position is going to be most effective for you.
Treatments may start out in one position but in later sessions it may be required to change positions.
You can expect to stay totally dressed during the treatment although it is suggested for you to wear loose fitting clothes, and remove your belt and objects like keys and cellular phones from your pockets.
You'll be comfortably positioned on the table and fitted with a wrap-around harness.
This restraint is what makes it possible for the unloading of the spine and discs through the traction motor.
Your position on the table, the harness, and angle of the gentle distraction enables accurate and concentrated treatment to the afflicted disc or discs.
Once comfortable on the Spinal Decompression Table, the computer controlled traction device is programmed to produce a gentle stretching force to the spinal vertebra.
This pressure is delivered directly to the harness system.
The Spinal Decompression system applies a brief gentle force and then releases it roughly every minute throughout the session.
The entire treatment time is often under 18 minutes and is commonly just 10 minutes to begin with.
Most patients report simply experiencing a delicate and gentle stretching at their lower back or around their hips.
Since Spinal Decompression Therapy is a comfort-based procedure, individuals usually report a sense of relief and relaxation during the session.
Quite a few patients even fall to sleep.
If you decide to engage in Spinal Decompression Therapy for your lumbar pain, it is often best to coordinate several conservative approaches.
For example, if you do try Spinal decompression Therapy, consult your physician about incorporating over-the-counter, or prescription pain medication, and some low-impact exercise.
In the event that conservative rehabilitation has proven ineffective after many weeks or months, your physician may suggest a surgical option, so prepare yourself.
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