Health & Medical Women's Health

Hair Loss a Major Concern for Indian Women

The hair shampoo itself contain harmful chemical is weakens the hair root and it also damages the scalp. So how can it say that it helps to stop hair loss, stops dandruff and many more things? They do advertising of these products on TV and other networks with the help of known recognized person to promote their brand and product which would make person to use and see the affect of the product. A woman's head of hair is her crowning glory, and losing too much hair can be a serious and frightening blow to her self-esteem. A certain amount of hair loss is normal, but excessive hair loss and hair thinning indicate that something is not right. Many conventional doctors downplay hair loss as an inevitable part of aging for both sexes, treating it with medicines that enhance existing hair but offer no real solution to the causes of hair loss, and therefore no prevention of continued hair loss.

Causes for hair loss are highly individual, but can include any combination of the following:
  • Stress (emotional and physical)
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Change in hormonal birth control
  • Genetics
  • Immune system irregularities
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamin D, vitamin A, iron, and protein)
  • Cosmetics (allergies and harsh treatments)
  • Radiation/chemotherapy
  • Dental treatment
  • Blood loss
  • Medications (including anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, antithyroid medication, and hormone therapy)
  • Severe psychological distress or life-threatening situations
  • Disease
  • Surgery
  • Scarring

Some women experience periods of noticeable hair loss at different phases of their menstrual cycle, or even seasonally. If this is your experience, be assured that it is very common and tends to resolve itself naturally.

If your hair loss is mild to moderate, the most important thing to do is weigh the immediate stressors in your life against how much support you're giving your body. Start with an honest inventory of your healthy and not-so-healthy habits. Then take some steps toward shifting the balance to the support side. We recommend below points to woman to follow.
  • Eat a balanced diet comprised of whole, protein-rich foods — organic, if possible. Avoid or limit refined sugar and other simple carbohydrates to ameliorate insulin resistance.
  • Intake rich multivitamins that includes hair-healthy vitamins such as B, C, D and E. Other important nutrients are calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron.
  • If you are going through menopause or are beginning to notice hormonal changes, consider gentle endocrine support like our Herbal Equilibrium to help naturally rebalance your hormones.
  • Scalp massage and acupuncture can be helpful in stimulating blood flow to the scalp and supporting normal follicle function.
  • If you are under severe psychological stress, your hair loss could be a result and should improve a few months after the stress is relieved.

Remember that the condition of your hair mirrors what's going on inside your body. It only makes sense to consider natural options like homeopathy that nurture your whole health before spending a lot of money on expensive shampoos, conditioners, and hair-thickening products. While some of these products may enhance the appearance of your existing hair, they don't generate new hair. Nurturing your health from the inside out, including your emotional health, should improve the quality and quantity of your hair, as well as your overall quality of life!
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