The most common symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, and of course, there's that vile taste in the back of the throat when we burp.
Considering the fact that the Madison Avenue crowd constantly bombarded us with TV ads, praising the benefits of this or that 'miracle' heartburn remedy, it's not surprising that millions of victims suffer on a regular basis and simply shrug it off, thinking it can't be that serious.
But it can! We all get heartburn at one time or another.
It's an annoying inconvenience, but it's a fact of life.
Besides, eating is fun! Last week I went to a wedding, and there was about an acre of irresistible mouth-watering goodies spread out on a dozen tables.
Wow! I got stuck in like a starving 'Survivor' contestant with two pairs of hands.
I knew I'd probably pay for it later, but then I thought, what the heck! A couple of 'Tums' or a mouthful of XYZ miracle heartburn cure, and I'd be fine.
Or so the ads would have us believe.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Here's the truth: Stomach acid is a wonder chemical capable of digesting just about anything.
In fact, without it you'd starve to death.
But watch out if it gets loose! Believe me, it can turn into a rampaging beast from Hell capable if slowly torturing you to death! Especially if you have GERD.
Then, my friend, you're really in for the high jump! The clinical description says it all.
However, if you have GERD, it is classified as a chronic disease.
Whatever you care to call it, this condition could lead to serious complications if left untreated.
If you routinely get acid reflux twice a week or more, change your lifestyle.
If this doesn't help and the symptoms persist, you'd better see your doctor right away.
Rest assured...
the majority of people, including babies and growing children, suffer from acid reflux at some point in their lives, so relax! Having the occasional bout of heartburn does not necessarily mean that you have GERD.
By the same token, not every GERD victim gets regular heartburn, so I'd advise you to look up all the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease symptoms, just in case.
The Lower Esophageal Sphincter Mother Nature did a fantastic job when she designed the stomach and digestive system.
After chewing and swallowing, the food travels down a muscular pipe called the esophagus.
During this process, our digestive system performs a number of complex reflexive actions.
This is a type of valve consisting of a ring of muscle that forms a sphincter.
This valve is called the lower esophageal sphincter(or LES for short).
When the sphincter senses the presence of food, it opens briefly and then closes, allowing the food to pass safely into the stomach...
and the digestive process begins.
In order to break food down into nutrients the body can absorb, the chemical factory we call the stomach, must first treat the nourishment with a corrosive digestive fluid.
This is a mixture of hydrochloric acid, an enzyme called pepsin (this kick starts the process of digesting proteins), and a trace of liver bile.
To prevent us from digesting our own stomach, the gut is lined with a complex mucous membrane that is impervious to acids and digestive enzymes...
However, this protective layer does not extend past the LES.
The Onset of Heartburn Occasionally after swallowing, the LES doesn't quite close all the way.
Sometimes it even opens spontaneously or stays open too long.
When this happens, digestive acid backs up into the tube and attacks the inside wall of the unprotected esophagus.
This causes the discomfort we call 'acid reflux' or 'heartburn'.
The feeling is unmistakable.
There's a burning sensation behind the breastbone (or sternum), which can also radiate to the back; in addition to the pain, every now and then a person will burp and taste a mixture of food an acid in the back of the throat.
In the case of the GERD sufferer, the LES itself is defective.
As a result the frequency of attacks could be increased to dangerous levels.
This in turn, could lead to a painful disease known as 'esophagitis' and ultimately, a life-threatening disease called 'Barrett's esophagus' Can GERD be Cured by Strengthening the LES? You bet! After adopting a sensible diet and making a few lifestyle changes, Mother Nature usually strengthens the LES for you.
If that doesn't do the trick, surgery such as the Nissen fundoplication or the exciting new Linx technology, may be the answer.
Considering the fact that the Madison Avenue crowd constantly bombarded us with TV ads, praising the benefits of this or that 'miracle' heartburn remedy, it's not surprising that millions of victims suffer on a regular basis and simply shrug it off, thinking it can't be that serious.
But it can! We all get heartburn at one time or another.
It's an annoying inconvenience, but it's a fact of life.
Besides, eating is fun! Last week I went to a wedding, and there was about an acre of irresistible mouth-watering goodies spread out on a dozen tables.
Wow! I got stuck in like a starving 'Survivor' contestant with two pairs of hands.
I knew I'd probably pay for it later, but then I thought, what the heck! A couple of 'Tums' or a mouthful of XYZ miracle heartburn cure, and I'd be fine.
Or so the ads would have us believe.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Here's the truth: Stomach acid is a wonder chemical capable of digesting just about anything.
In fact, without it you'd starve to death.
But watch out if it gets loose! Believe me, it can turn into a rampaging beast from Hell capable if slowly torturing you to death! Especially if you have GERD.
Then, my friend, you're really in for the high jump! The clinical description says it all.
- GER - Gastroesophageal Reflux (heartburn)
- GERD - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
However, if you have GERD, it is classified as a chronic disease.
Whatever you care to call it, this condition could lead to serious complications if left untreated.
If you routinely get acid reflux twice a week or more, change your lifestyle.
If this doesn't help and the symptoms persist, you'd better see your doctor right away.
Rest assured...
the majority of people, including babies and growing children, suffer from acid reflux at some point in their lives, so relax! Having the occasional bout of heartburn does not necessarily mean that you have GERD.
By the same token, not every GERD victim gets regular heartburn, so I'd advise you to look up all the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease symptoms, just in case.
The Lower Esophageal Sphincter Mother Nature did a fantastic job when she designed the stomach and digestive system.
After chewing and swallowing, the food travels down a muscular pipe called the esophagus.
During this process, our digestive system performs a number of complex reflexive actions.
- Firstly, the muscular esophagus instigates a series of contractions causing a ripple effect.
This movement pumps the masticated food/saliva mixture downwards with the help of gravity. - Secondly, when the food reaches the stomach entrance, a nerve impulse fires, telling the stomach that the nourishment has arrived.
This is a type of valve consisting of a ring of muscle that forms a sphincter.
This valve is called the lower esophageal sphincter(or LES for short).
When the sphincter senses the presence of food, it opens briefly and then closes, allowing the food to pass safely into the stomach...
and the digestive process begins.
In order to break food down into nutrients the body can absorb, the chemical factory we call the stomach, must first treat the nourishment with a corrosive digestive fluid.
This is a mixture of hydrochloric acid, an enzyme called pepsin (this kick starts the process of digesting proteins), and a trace of liver bile.
To prevent us from digesting our own stomach, the gut is lined with a complex mucous membrane that is impervious to acids and digestive enzymes...
However, this protective layer does not extend past the LES.
The Onset of Heartburn Occasionally after swallowing, the LES doesn't quite close all the way.
Sometimes it even opens spontaneously or stays open too long.
When this happens, digestive acid backs up into the tube and attacks the inside wall of the unprotected esophagus.
This causes the discomfort we call 'acid reflux' or 'heartburn'.
The feeling is unmistakable.
There's a burning sensation behind the breastbone (or sternum), which can also radiate to the back; in addition to the pain, every now and then a person will burp and taste a mixture of food an acid in the back of the throat.
In the case of the GERD sufferer, the LES itself is defective.
As a result the frequency of attacks could be increased to dangerous levels.
This in turn, could lead to a painful disease known as 'esophagitis' and ultimately, a life-threatening disease called 'Barrett's esophagus' Can GERD be Cured by Strengthening the LES? You bet! After adopting a sensible diet and making a few lifestyle changes, Mother Nature usually strengthens the LES for you.
If that doesn't do the trick, surgery such as the Nissen fundoplication or the exciting new Linx technology, may be the answer.