It goes without saying that Lasik has certainly enhanced the lives of millions of individuals. However, still after the procedure, several patients whose vision have been restored to 20/20 often enquire about the necessity of the annual eye exams. You might have got rid of your glasses or contact lenses for good, but still it's better to have your eye tested once a year after the lasik procedure.

Defending Serious Eye Problems
While Laser eye surgery can help you to get clear, crisp and consistent vision, it will not help to prevent invigorating eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. In fact, a study revealed that individuals who are nearsighted (myopic) have an increased risk of developing glaucoma than those who aren't nearsighted. Thus, people who had Lasik Corrective Eye Surgery to enhance their vision still have higher risk of developing the aforesaid eye conditions which could probably lead to loss of vision.
Health Problems Call for Eye Testing
Patients suffering from health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer and other chronic health conditions might also need to have regular eye checkups, as these conditions can potentially result into complications involving gradual or sudden loss of vision. In addition, individuals having allergies might suffer from dry eyes or any discomfort in the eyes. Regular eye checkups can help us find out the probable cause of dry eyes or discomfort and take medications if required.
Eye Testing for Older Adults
After crossing the age of 40, eye exam every 18 months is generally a good rule to follow. Around 60 years of age, annual eye examinations are suggested due to the increased risk of developing glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye diseases.
Eye Exams for Diabetics
If you're suffering from diabetes, an annual eye exam should be mandatory. In United States, this condition is the third leading cause of blindness. If your diabetes is under control, then a dilated eye examination is compulsory every year and if it's not under control, then your lasik surgeon might suggest an examination every 3 to 6 months. The patients suffering from diabetes have a higher risk of developing glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. Early detection is crucial in the treatment of diabetes related eye disease.
Annual Testing for Contact Lens Wearer
If you wear contact lenses, then it's essential to have your eye tested and contact lens evaluated once in a year. There are reasons for this being a common practice. Other than ensuring your prescription is up to date, eye doctors check the health of the eye, the curvature of the cornea and inspect the eye for microscopic complications related to wearing a contact lens. Abnormal growth of blood vessel related to lack of oxygen to the cornea is another thing that your eye doctor might check for at the annual contact lens examination.
If you undergo lasik procedure or lasik surgery Pune then it's best to consult with your surgeon about the time of annual eye examination. This examination must be done if your doctor recommends, as after all it's for the betterment of your eyes.

Defending Serious Eye Problems
While Laser eye surgery can help you to get clear, crisp and consistent vision, it will not help to prevent invigorating eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. In fact, a study revealed that individuals who are nearsighted (myopic) have an increased risk of developing glaucoma than those who aren't nearsighted. Thus, people who had Lasik Corrective Eye Surgery to enhance their vision still have higher risk of developing the aforesaid eye conditions which could probably lead to loss of vision.
Health Problems Call for Eye Testing
Patients suffering from health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer and other chronic health conditions might also need to have regular eye checkups, as these conditions can potentially result into complications involving gradual or sudden loss of vision. In addition, individuals having allergies might suffer from dry eyes or any discomfort in the eyes. Regular eye checkups can help us find out the probable cause of dry eyes or discomfort and take medications if required.
Eye Testing for Older Adults
After crossing the age of 40, eye exam every 18 months is generally a good rule to follow. Around 60 years of age, annual eye examinations are suggested due to the increased risk of developing glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye diseases.
Eye Exams for Diabetics
If you're suffering from diabetes, an annual eye exam should be mandatory. In United States, this condition is the third leading cause of blindness. If your diabetes is under control, then a dilated eye examination is compulsory every year and if it's not under control, then your lasik surgeon might suggest an examination every 3 to 6 months. The patients suffering from diabetes have a higher risk of developing glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. Early detection is crucial in the treatment of diabetes related eye disease.
Annual Testing for Contact Lens Wearer
If you wear contact lenses, then it's essential to have your eye tested and contact lens evaluated once in a year. There are reasons for this being a common practice. Other than ensuring your prescription is up to date, eye doctors check the health of the eye, the curvature of the cornea and inspect the eye for microscopic complications related to wearing a contact lens. Abnormal growth of blood vessel related to lack of oxygen to the cornea is another thing that your eye doctor might check for at the annual contact lens examination.
If you undergo lasik procedure or lasik surgery Pune then it's best to consult with your surgeon about the time of annual eye examination. This examination must be done if your doctor recommends, as after all it's for the betterment of your eyes.