- The U.S. government encourages youth participation in different advocacy programs.Cheerful youth image by Aliaksandr Zabudzko from Fotolia.com
The federal government is exerting efforts and employing initiatives to improve and strengthen youth participation. Likewise, the government encourages young people to help community-, faith- and service-based organizations in providing and assisting needy communities. Aside from encouraging the youth, the government further strengthens its campaign through the provision of different youth engagement grants. Grants for youth participation comprise inclusion of young people to special trainings, funding and educational opportunities. Eligibility depends on the program. - The Learn and Serve America Innovative Community-based Service-learning Programs runs under the Corporation for National Community Service's auspices. The grant is authorized under the National Community Service Act of 1990. The main objective of the program is to mobilize citizens and get them to participate in advocacy and support programs. The series of programs under the grant specifically targets the youth. Further, the program encourages participation in different support programs to cater to the local needs of specific communities. Organizations targeting the involvement of youth in their programs will also qualify for grant assistance. Other projects eligible for the grant include service-learning programs about technology use and subject areas like mathematics.
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1201 New York Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20525
202-606-6760 - The Conservation Activities by Youth Service Organizations is a program under the Department of Interior and the office of National Park Service. The grant is authorized under several laws including Youth Conservation Corps Act and the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996. The main objective of the program is to make use and properly employ conservation and youth corps to support conservation projects. Conservation projects should be in accordance with the law overruling public lands. Some of the supported projects under the program include: timber management, preservation and development of historical and cultural sites along with conservation of natural resources. The program heavily emphasizes the encouragement of young adult participation. Young people can be a part of different development and training programs once they qualify.
Learn more:
National Park Service
1201 I Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
nps.gov/youthprograms/index.html - The One-time International Exchange Grant Program is under the U.S. Department of State and the office of Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The main objective of the program is to offer international exchange opportunities for the development of future leaders and to address concerns mutually shared between the U.S. and other countries. The grant is on a one-time basis.
Professional Exchanges
301 4th Street, SW
SA-44, Washington, DC 20547
202-453-8116 or 202-453-8156
Learn and Serve Americ
Conservation Activities
One-time International Exchange