Simple glass beadmaking variations, consists of different methods in manipulating different kinds of glass for beadmaking.
These methods and techniques depend on what materials and equipments you are going to use.
In simple glass beadmaking variations, glass beads can be feathered, grooved, foiled, multi-coloured or decorated with spots, stripes, trails, dots and eyes.
There are many ways how to turn a simple glass into a bead like through lamp working, winding, pressing or molding, drawing and tubing.
That's why all glass beads that are seen beautiful and fascinating is made possible by these beadmaking methods and techniques.
In simple glass beadmaking variations, lampworking or lamp winding method is the commonly used method in glass bead making.
Lamp working method uses gas fuelled torch to melt glass rods or coloured glass rods until it reaches molten stage.
After it reaches molten stage, annealing process is the next step to make it hard and firm.
Glass rods are formed and shaped through shaping and blowing to make the glass rods in different shapes.
You can produce lots of glass beads in different shapes and styles using this method anytime.
That is why most bead maker's uses this easy and simple method in making beads.
Simple glass beadmaking variations also consist of drawing and molding method, other alternative methods in making glass beads.
Drawing and tubing method is done by pulling a strand out of a glass to put the bubbles in the center of the glass to serve as the hole of the bead.
This was done by inserting a metal tube into the hot glass ball thus pulling the glass strand out around it, to form a tube.
The drawn glass tube is chopped to small tubes to produce individual drawn glass beads.
Molding method is done by putting a thick rod in a flame till it reaches molten stage then fed into a complex apparatus that stamps the glass and a needle that pierces the hole.
Molding method is said to be expensive that's why it is not usually used in making beads.
Simple glass beadmaking variations make your beads in different shapes, sizes and styles.
The methods here help a lot in making such beautiful beads for jewelry making.
Now you can start making your basic beads look different by applying the simple glass beadmaking variations.
These methods and techniques depend on what materials and equipments you are going to use.
In simple glass beadmaking variations, glass beads can be feathered, grooved, foiled, multi-coloured or decorated with spots, stripes, trails, dots and eyes.
There are many ways how to turn a simple glass into a bead like through lamp working, winding, pressing or molding, drawing and tubing.
That's why all glass beads that are seen beautiful and fascinating is made possible by these beadmaking methods and techniques.
In simple glass beadmaking variations, lampworking or lamp winding method is the commonly used method in glass bead making.
Lamp working method uses gas fuelled torch to melt glass rods or coloured glass rods until it reaches molten stage.
After it reaches molten stage, annealing process is the next step to make it hard and firm.
Glass rods are formed and shaped through shaping and blowing to make the glass rods in different shapes.
You can produce lots of glass beads in different shapes and styles using this method anytime.
That is why most bead maker's uses this easy and simple method in making beads.
Simple glass beadmaking variations also consist of drawing and molding method, other alternative methods in making glass beads.
Drawing and tubing method is done by pulling a strand out of a glass to put the bubbles in the center of the glass to serve as the hole of the bead.
This was done by inserting a metal tube into the hot glass ball thus pulling the glass strand out around it, to form a tube.
The drawn glass tube is chopped to small tubes to produce individual drawn glass beads.
Molding method is done by putting a thick rod in a flame till it reaches molten stage then fed into a complex apparatus that stamps the glass and a needle that pierces the hole.
Molding method is said to be expensive that's why it is not usually used in making beads.
Simple glass beadmaking variations make your beads in different shapes, sizes and styles.
The methods here help a lot in making such beautiful beads for jewelry making.
Now you can start making your basic beads look different by applying the simple glass beadmaking variations.