I recently got into a discussion about the future of stethoscopes with some colleagues. They claim the advancement of technology is making the stethoscope is in its days. I thought the discussion so interesting I decided to bring you some of the arguments that I used.
Come on.
Stethoscopes has helped doctors find diseases and abnormalities in patients for over a hundred years. And the amazing thing is that they basically have not changed since then. You may think this is a point of attention, since while it is stagnant, digital technology evolves, but similarly, there really is not much to do. The last major change in equipment happened when Dr. David Littmann reinvented the design of the equipment there to mid 60s and the adjustable diaphragm and without latex tubes were included.
In parallel, also in the late 60's born the first electric stethoscopes. They pick up the signal received by the diaphragm and transforms them into digital signal. This makes it possible to amplify the signal difficult to detect abnormalities that would be difficult to identify an analog stethoscope. There are also advanced model electromagnetic stethoscopes, which are more accurate even when amplify the sound.
Recently, Dr. Hon Chong Wen TheStethoCloud developed which transforms the stethoscope along with a smartphone, on a smart device. The stethoscope has a microphone that connects with compatible smartphones and making a varregura to find sounds that reflect potential for pneumonia. Are very complex algorithms that meet the standard and define very precisely who should be medicated / observed.
Another recent and very interesting technology is the StehIO, a cover for Iphone made on a 3D printer of high technology. It consists of a plastic diaphragm that has a number of empty tubes that increase the sound and resoam in iPhone microphone. An application developed exclusively for the accessory digitizes the sound and produces an output. According to the inventor, 15 years, Suman Mulumudi the instrument is as sensitive as a common stethoscope. One weakness of this accessory is that according to many doctors, the complete cover should be removed and washed every patient examined, since the disease can spread.
With the breakthrough smartphone user, these technologies are gaining ground mainly for amateur use, but still inspire distrust of the results.
Following the contrary way, there is another technology that aims to replace the stethoscope: ultrasound.
Powered ultrasound equipment works by sending high frequency waves from solid material. When the sound is bounced back, the machine detects and creates an image. It works similarly like bats.
Fortunately, it is becoming increasingly smaller and more capable. New devices are already capable of reproducing images in 3D and have the size of a cell. Unfortunately, such equipment is still extremely expensive, preventing it from having excellent penetration in all offices.
Why not believe that the stethoscope is finished with their days?
First, because it is much cheaper than the technology of ultrasound. And because it has a money much better than the iPhone accessories. A great stethoscope costs $ 800 and with this machine you can find many types of diseases and sounds, even over clothing. Besides, I doubt that a smartphone last a whole shift of usage without having to recharge.
The stethoscope requires no electricity and lasts for decades if cared for. There hangs and does not need to be configured, just take the neck and touching the patient. He will probably continue being used in places where there is no power in emergencies - where there is no time to call a software - and especially for students, young physicians and institutions that have a low budget.
Moreover, I believe that he will never be taken from table of raw colleges and technical courses in general, maintaining coexistence and trust the equipment your main source of permanency in the market.
Finally, I like to compare the stethoscope with books. We have numerous options for e-books and digital readers, but none of them can recreate the experience of using folear a book.
And you, what do you think? The stethoscope will survive long? If you want more information, go to http://guiadoestetoscopio.com.br
Come on.
Stethoscopes has helped doctors find diseases and abnormalities in patients for over a hundred years. And the amazing thing is that they basically have not changed since then. You may think this is a point of attention, since while it is stagnant, digital technology evolves, but similarly, there really is not much to do. The last major change in equipment happened when Dr. David Littmann reinvented the design of the equipment there to mid 60s and the adjustable diaphragm and without latex tubes were included.
In parallel, also in the late 60's born the first electric stethoscopes. They pick up the signal received by the diaphragm and transforms them into digital signal. This makes it possible to amplify the signal difficult to detect abnormalities that would be difficult to identify an analog stethoscope. There are also advanced model electromagnetic stethoscopes, which are more accurate even when amplify the sound.
Recently, Dr. Hon Chong Wen TheStethoCloud developed which transforms the stethoscope along with a smartphone, on a smart device. The stethoscope has a microphone that connects with compatible smartphones and making a varregura to find sounds that reflect potential for pneumonia. Are very complex algorithms that meet the standard and define very precisely who should be medicated / observed.
Another recent and very interesting technology is the StehIO, a cover for Iphone made on a 3D printer of high technology. It consists of a plastic diaphragm that has a number of empty tubes that increase the sound and resoam in iPhone microphone. An application developed exclusively for the accessory digitizes the sound and produces an output. According to the inventor, 15 years, Suman Mulumudi the instrument is as sensitive as a common stethoscope. One weakness of this accessory is that according to many doctors, the complete cover should be removed and washed every patient examined, since the disease can spread.
With the breakthrough smartphone user, these technologies are gaining ground mainly for amateur use, but still inspire distrust of the results.
Following the contrary way, there is another technology that aims to replace the stethoscope: ultrasound.
Powered ultrasound equipment works by sending high frequency waves from solid material. When the sound is bounced back, the machine detects and creates an image. It works similarly like bats.
Fortunately, it is becoming increasingly smaller and more capable. New devices are already capable of reproducing images in 3D and have the size of a cell. Unfortunately, such equipment is still extremely expensive, preventing it from having excellent penetration in all offices.
Why not believe that the stethoscope is finished with their days?
First, because it is much cheaper than the technology of ultrasound. And because it has a money much better than the iPhone accessories. A great stethoscope costs $ 800 and with this machine you can find many types of diseases and sounds, even over clothing. Besides, I doubt that a smartphone last a whole shift of usage without having to recharge.
The stethoscope requires no electricity and lasts for decades if cared for. There hangs and does not need to be configured, just take the neck and touching the patient. He will probably continue being used in places where there is no power in emergencies - where there is no time to call a software - and especially for students, young physicians and institutions that have a low budget.
Moreover, I believe that he will never be taken from table of raw colleges and technical courses in general, maintaining coexistence and trust the equipment your main source of permanency in the market.
Finally, I like to compare the stethoscope with books. We have numerous options for e-books and digital readers, but none of them can recreate the experience of using folear a book.
And you, what do you think? The stethoscope will survive long? If you want more information, go to http://guiadoestetoscopio.com.br