Video Marketing is something that is going to be with us for a long time! Using video to present a product or service via websites or mobile phones is a part of every day Marketing now! Online and offline video is well and truly mainstream now! Almost every one has the ability to create a video now days! Just by pointing their phones at something and pushing the record button.
Effective Video Marketing is not all about expensive equipment and vast production teams with mega budgets! Fortunately for those of us with out limit less resources.
Simply knowing and understanding a few simple tips will help you greatly in your Video Marketing! The video:
a few well chosen photos and well written text will create a video that people will find informative and could well be very effective for you!
Effective Video Marketing is not all about expensive equipment and vast production teams with mega budgets! Fortunately for those of us with out limit less resources.
Simply knowing and understanding a few simple tips will help you greatly in your Video Marketing! The video:
- Have structure in your video;
- Identify a problem
- Show how the problem can be solved.
- Point the viewer at the solution.
a few well chosen photos and well written text will create a video that people will find informative and could well be very effective for you!
- The point of this tip is don't over complicate things...
In video like every thing else the K.
S Rule applies...
Keep It Simple Stupid!
- This is where a tiny bit of research comes in handy!
- Find where your target market surfs and get your video on that site...
The most obvious example would be YouTube, but come on put some more thought into it and get creative. - There are many social sites online that could well attract more viewers to your video masterpiece! So find them and stick your video in front of the right audience.
- And in a perfect world people will start to talk about your video and then the sky is the limit.
- So good luck with producing your next video and remember your making it for a reason, so structure it and make that reason clear, and have a call to action! Tell the viewer what to do next...