Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Heart, Respiratory and Urinary Tract Problems Require Immediate Attention in Cat Health Care

Our cats have complex body systems just as we do and often suffer from diseases and disabilities similar to those their owners may encounter.
Your cat may have high blood pressure, asthma attacks and congestive heart failure.
Cat health problems include respiratory illnesses with symptoms similar to our head colds, bronchitis and even pneumonia.
Diseases may affect cats of any age and because of the small size of the animals, diseases and infections can rapidly become life threatening.
Feline upper respiratory infections are common and easily spread from one animal to another.
Symptoms include sneezing, red eyes, and nasal discharge.
Lethargy and loss of appetite are also present.
These infections are due to a virus which explains why they are highly contagious.
Clavamox and Baytril are widely used to combat respiratory infections in cats.
The feline herpes virus can infect other cats but will not spread to humans.
This is a serious malady for young cats and can leave the animal with chronic nasal congestion and infections.
Treatment in the early stages of this disease is needed to prevent long term health problems.
An asthma attack in a cat displays the same wheezing and coughing as asthma in people.
The cat will have difficulty breathing and a severe attack may be life threatening..
Flovent inhalers as well as Aminophylline and Terbutaline are available to treat asthma in felines High blood pressure is called the silent killer when it affects people.
The same is true for cats as the first sign of a problem with blood pressure may be blindness.
Fast treatment may lead to the cat regaining his sight.
If blindness cannot be reversed it is not the end for your cat.
Absent the human emotions of fear and sadness, cats that have lost vision are often able to adapt quickly to their disability and quickly learn to find their bed, food bowl and a friendly lap to sit in.
Feline heart disease is not confined to older cats but may become a problem at any age.
The cause is most often a weak heart muscle.
Your vet can perform sensitive tests to isolate the specific problem in the cat's heart.
This diagnosis is necessary for him to provide the proper combination of pet medicines that will control the cat's heart problem.
Proper diagnosis will lead to pet medicines that will control the chronic health problems and provide your cat with many more happy years.
Heart disease and high blood pressure can be controlled with Atenolol, Benazeprill, Diltiazem and Disal.
Urinary tract infections are not only a dangerous health problem for cats but have led to the death of many cats who were put "to sleep" by owners in the mistaken belief the cat suffered from behavioral problems.
Urinary problems in cats are common and painful for the animal yet there is no way to tell from looking at the cat that an infection is present.
The first indication of a urinary problem may be a cat that suddenly refuses to use his litter box.
To the owner, this is unacceptable behavior and many do not realize they are seeing a symptom of disease.
If the cat first experiences pain on urination when using his litter box, he may associate that litter with causing the pain.
For some cats, urinating outside his litter box may be an attempt to get his owner's attention to the problem.
A long term, untreated urinary problem in a young cat can lead to behavior problems with the pet forming the habit of avoiding his litter box.
This is a difficult behavior to correct.
Before dismissing your pet's failure to eliminate where he's supposed to as the action of a bad cat, have your vet examine him thoroughly.
A change in behavior often indicates a health problem in cats.
Once the urinary infection is diagnosed, medication can cure the infection.
By using a combination of cat meds and products designed to solve behavioral issues, you can totally eliminate the nasty side effects caused by cat urinary problems.
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