Business & Finance Credit

Reasons to Review Your Annual Credit Report

Most consumers hear television and radio commercials repeatedly throughout the day shouting "check your credit report and protect yourself from identity theft!" From the sounds of the advertising, one begins to realize how important their credit profile is.
"Sign up for our service and protect your credit rating!" Internet users will oftentimes find offers popping up on internet search pages, inviting them to sign up for a free credit monitoring service; in return, one might be able to obtain a free copy of their report.
In today's advanced technological age, everyone needs to check their credit at least periodically; it is that important! Whether a college student taking out her first college loan, or a business owner struggling in the slow economy; creditors hold the key to whether a debtor must pay extra money through higher interest rates, or qualify him or her for the lowest possible offers.
Because the credit profile can determine so much of one's financial life, one should choose a service that provides the scores and profiles from all three reporting agencies at once.
The first step for a consumer in protecting their credit profile is to review their report at least once per year.
Every year consumers are entitled to one free copy of their report.
In addition, when a consumer is turned down for credit, a notice is sent advising him of the creditor's refusal telling him that he can obtain a free report through one of the three major credit reporting companies.
Ordering just an annual credit report is not enough.
In order to keep one "credit-wise"; an individual must check their credit profile often.
Furthermore, just checking the report is not enough because the credit score is not included in an annual report.
Most companies that are members of the Better Business Bureau will offer an inexpensive report which costs anywhere from ten to twenty-five dollars.
These companies will usually offer to include the customer's credit score as well.
When checking their credit profile, customers should pick a company that offers a credit monitoring package.
This will allow the individual to work on repairing a poor credit profile while receiving alerts in the case that they become the victims of identity fraud.
So, in summation, every consumer should check their credit profile using a reliable and legitimate credit reporting company more than once a year.
Signing up for a credit monitoring package will protect their credit from fraudulent activity and will also allow the consumer to repair his or her credit by closely monitoring credit scores.
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