Lots of people look to lose weight every year and most are not successful, either because they don't stick to the program or they simply return to their old habits once the weight has been lost and enter into what is called the yo yo diet phase.
Many diets themselves do not work and many more are the flavor of the moment and disappear almost as soon as they appear.
There was a time when no one had heard of HCG despite the fact that it has been around forever and its use in weight loss was discovered in the fifties by a British doctor Simeon. Over the last couple of years it has however arrived into the public arena again and loads of folks are looking where they can buy HCG drops the homeopathic version in particular. Hcg is also available on prescription but that is by injection and some people are uncomfortable with that, hence the growth of the homeopathic hcg drops market.
HCG derives from a hormone produced in pregnancy to aid the developing child and its use as a weight loss product seems to have been discovered by accident. Its use although widespread was limited as it was intended to be by way of injection, not the most popular of treatment methods and until recently was only available on prescription. However the development of homeopathic hcg has meant that that the market for hcg has exploded with one of the leading brands HCG Ultra seeing considerable sales and some glowing reviews.
How does homeopathic hcg work? Well that is part of the problem as no real studies have taken place although the American tv doctor, Dr Oz has suggested recently that in view of the reported results there should be some proper scientific studies carried out. It is suggested that HCG appears to work by telling that part of the brain that signifies hunger that it isn't hungry. This means that in conjunction with a low calorie diet and some exercise for those able to do it, there can be significant weight loss. That appears to be the theory, but in practice, it is hard to know, you can only go off the independent testimonials.
Whatever the reasons for the weight loss, it is certain that you will only see success if you follow the program and for some time. Like any diet, there are no overnight results.
Many diets themselves do not work and many more are the flavor of the moment and disappear almost as soon as they appear.
There was a time when no one had heard of HCG despite the fact that it has been around forever and its use in weight loss was discovered in the fifties by a British doctor Simeon. Over the last couple of years it has however arrived into the public arena again and loads of folks are looking where they can buy HCG drops the homeopathic version in particular. Hcg is also available on prescription but that is by injection and some people are uncomfortable with that, hence the growth of the homeopathic hcg drops market.
HCG derives from a hormone produced in pregnancy to aid the developing child and its use as a weight loss product seems to have been discovered by accident. Its use although widespread was limited as it was intended to be by way of injection, not the most popular of treatment methods and until recently was only available on prescription. However the development of homeopathic hcg has meant that that the market for hcg has exploded with one of the leading brands HCG Ultra seeing considerable sales and some glowing reviews.
How does homeopathic hcg work? Well that is part of the problem as no real studies have taken place although the American tv doctor, Dr Oz has suggested recently that in view of the reported results there should be some proper scientific studies carried out. It is suggested that HCG appears to work by telling that part of the brain that signifies hunger that it isn't hungry. This means that in conjunction with a low calorie diet and some exercise for those able to do it, there can be significant weight loss. That appears to be the theory, but in practice, it is hard to know, you can only go off the independent testimonials.
Whatever the reasons for the weight loss, it is certain that you will only see success if you follow the program and for some time. Like any diet, there are no overnight results.