Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Overcome Female Infertility 115-- Conventional Medication Helps to Treat Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term. With the advance of medical technology, some infertility caused by structure problem can be corrected through surgery. In this article, we will discuss how conventional medicine helps to treat endometriosis

I. definition
It is caused by endometrial cell growing somewhere else instead of in the endometrium. Normally, it does not travel far from the abdominal cavity. If endometrial implants and adhesion are attached to the reproductive organs, it may causes blockage or interferes with normal function of reproductive system, including the ovaries, Fallopian tube and uterus.

II. How conventional surgery helps to treat endometriosis
If the endometrial implants and adhesion do not interfere with fertility and cause serve symptoms, many doctors may try to control them by medication, instead of surgery.
a) Medication
i) Creating a continual pregnancy state
These types of medication help to stop or reduce period by stimulating the production of progesterone such as continuous dose of the Pill, Provera and Danazol.
ii) Create a menopausal state
By suppressing the production of estrogen in the early menstrual cycle, it induces the women body into the menopause state that help to stop the growth of endometriosis.These types of medication include all GnRH agonist range of drugs.
iii) Stop the pain
The medication are used to inhibit the production of certain hormones which cause menstrual pain in the prostaglandins family. These types of medication include prostaglandins inhibitor medicines, the Pill, painkiller, etc
b) Surgery
If endometriosis interferes with the normal process of the natural pregnancy, then operation is required to remove them. For further information, please refer back to the my previous articles of endometriosis.

III. Surgery and side effect
If you would like more information about types of surgery or side effects, please refer to some previous endometrial articles.

III. Risks
1. Surgery risks as other operation
2. Risk of medication can be refer to other endometrial articles
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