- 1). Watch instructional taxidermy DVDs. Learn-taxidermy.com sells a set of four DVDs that will teach beginners how to mount fish, squirrels, deer and wood ducks. The website occasionally offers sales on its DVDs as well as free shipping. After you order the DVDs, browse the website to learn tips on tanning, skinning and field dressing deer.
- 2). Purchase a membership to Taxidermy Tube, a website where amateur and professional taxidermists can watch instructional videos, read articles, get advice from professionals and chat with other taxidermists. Members can also upload their photos and videos. If you don't want to purchase a membership, click on the "free preview videos" link on the left side of the website to watch short video clips on taxidermy techniques.
- 3). Read the book "Taxidermy Guide" by Russel Tinsley. The comprehensive book guides amateur taxidermists through preparing and mounting small mammals, fish, birds and reptiles.
- 4). Take online classes from the American Institute of Taxidermy. The institute offers courses on squirrel, coyote, bass, pheasant and deer head mounting. Classes start each Saturday at 9 a.m. and typically include 4 to 7 total hours of instruction. If you miss a class, you can view the online training session for up to a week after your missed class.