Cash Gifting has been known by thousands, millions of people, for decades, as an earning method that could make you very wealthy, very fast. But it could also become a play place for scammers. Why? Precisely why the industry is also recognized as a scam or an illegal practice: Gifting money through mail/ via courier.
It would be seen as
Illegal: The government cannot see how much money is being received, leading to people not paying taxes.
It could be seen as
A scam: Typical scammers would love cash gifting and to play on people's emotions by soliciting them for money through very professionally designed websites asking people to send them a "gift" or money, through a courier like Federal Express.
In previous times, thousands upon thousands of people have been scammed by this way, and so this industry of cash gifting have grown so crippled of negativity over the years.
There are also other factors that lead to it that cash gifting would not work for the people that would not have been scammed. It is the "pyramid".
Thousands upon thousands of people need to go out and find people to join a cash gifting program in a pyramid. Sooner or later, so many people would have joined that the earth's population would not be enough. Lets take an example. You have 1 person at the top, followed by 10 people. Those 10 people soon become 100, and if they recruit 10 each, it becomes 1000, then 10,000, then 100,000 . . . until there would be an endless sum of people that are no where to be found on the earth's surface . . . very quickly. Also, there will be a fat cat at the top, because if you take a very close look at illegal or scam cash gifting programs, you will realize that there are always being talked about "levels" you need to join. And that you will need to work your way up to the top level, to receive the biggest amount of gifts, which would be $3500, $7500, some of them even a ridiculous $18,500.
This means that a pyramid scheme is not sustainable and will not last long. And will also cripple you financially. Unless. Some real and legal cash gifting systems also have similar or even exactly the same way of operating and leveraging money off others . . . but they are sustainable. Like the Cash Leveraging System. It is a system that needs you to get 10 people, and you leverage money off your downline up to five levels deep, that will each get 10 people to the system. How the system sustains itself is to limit the memberships of its members, to six months long. With benefits, that the expired member still would earn/ receive money from his downline . . . until their own memberships would end. This creates a never-ending pattern of a revolving system. As much as people will be joining, so much will current members' memberships expire. And if they want to: they can just gift someone a gift. A gift everyone can gift: $5 to 5 people once more. Unlike scam programs that wants you to join at at least $100 with revolving monthly fees, just wanting your money.
The Cash Leveraging System is thus a beautiful example of a real (online) cash gifting program, that only costs $25, while everyone receives and gifts the same amount of money.
The ones that really are bad ones, you should never look into, or never should join are ones
1 That wants you to receive/gift money through mail/courier
2 That is a pyramid scheme
3 That wants you to join at ridiculous amounts of money, like $500 and up
4 where there will be "levels", meaning you will only be allowed to receive $100 gifts, if you would have joined for $100, while you must join a higher level, with the amount of cash you would wish to receive.
If you would always take a look at these factors, especially looking at an "online" cash gifting program where all your gifts will be paid into your online payment processor account, like Alertpay, you could be joining a program you will succeed in at 600% more, than what you would with what the Government sees as a total illegal practise: gifting money through mail. If you are practicing these actions, you are committing fraud, because the Government cannot see how much you are earning.
That is exactly why cash gifting would be a scam, but even worse, why it would be illegal.
It would be seen as
Illegal: The government cannot see how much money is being received, leading to people not paying taxes.
It could be seen as
A scam: Typical scammers would love cash gifting and to play on people's emotions by soliciting them for money through very professionally designed websites asking people to send them a "gift" or money, through a courier like Federal Express.
In previous times, thousands upon thousands of people have been scammed by this way, and so this industry of cash gifting have grown so crippled of negativity over the years.
There are also other factors that lead to it that cash gifting would not work for the people that would not have been scammed. It is the "pyramid".
Thousands upon thousands of people need to go out and find people to join a cash gifting program in a pyramid. Sooner or later, so many people would have joined that the earth's population would not be enough. Lets take an example. You have 1 person at the top, followed by 10 people. Those 10 people soon become 100, and if they recruit 10 each, it becomes 1000, then 10,000, then 100,000 . . . until there would be an endless sum of people that are no where to be found on the earth's surface . . . very quickly. Also, there will be a fat cat at the top, because if you take a very close look at illegal or scam cash gifting programs, you will realize that there are always being talked about "levels" you need to join. And that you will need to work your way up to the top level, to receive the biggest amount of gifts, which would be $3500, $7500, some of them even a ridiculous $18,500.
This means that a pyramid scheme is not sustainable and will not last long. And will also cripple you financially. Unless. Some real and legal cash gifting systems also have similar or even exactly the same way of operating and leveraging money off others . . . but they are sustainable. Like the Cash Leveraging System. It is a system that needs you to get 10 people, and you leverage money off your downline up to five levels deep, that will each get 10 people to the system. How the system sustains itself is to limit the memberships of its members, to six months long. With benefits, that the expired member still would earn/ receive money from his downline . . . until their own memberships would end. This creates a never-ending pattern of a revolving system. As much as people will be joining, so much will current members' memberships expire. And if they want to: they can just gift someone a gift. A gift everyone can gift: $5 to 5 people once more. Unlike scam programs that wants you to join at at least $100 with revolving monthly fees, just wanting your money.
The Cash Leveraging System is thus a beautiful example of a real (online) cash gifting program, that only costs $25, while everyone receives and gifts the same amount of money.
The ones that really are bad ones, you should never look into, or never should join are ones
1 That wants you to receive/gift money through mail/courier
2 That is a pyramid scheme
3 That wants you to join at ridiculous amounts of money, like $500 and up
4 where there will be "levels", meaning you will only be allowed to receive $100 gifts, if you would have joined for $100, while you must join a higher level, with the amount of cash you would wish to receive.
If you would always take a look at these factors, especially looking at an "online" cash gifting program where all your gifts will be paid into your online payment processor account, like Alertpay, you could be joining a program you will succeed in at 600% more, than what you would with what the Government sees as a total illegal practise: gifting money through mail. If you are practicing these actions, you are committing fraud, because the Government cannot see how much you are earning.
That is exactly why cash gifting would be a scam, but even worse, why it would be illegal.