Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

Autism Treatment – How To Use Supplements to Treat Autism, Part 2 of 2

Every supplement is unique in its effect on our bodies. And as I work with a patient on supplement therapy, my first consideration is to cover our basis nutritionally. I know that many children with Autism have limited diets. So to help in filling in those holes nutritionally I will usually begin by recommending a good multi-vitamin, a multi-mineral, antioxidants of some type, possibly some zinc, and also calcium and magnesium. This helps to add back in nutrients that may be missing with a limited diet. Then from there I can recommend other supplements based on specific problems the individual may be facing.

When a child has an issue with anxiety I may suggest supplements such as Gaba, Taurine or Theanine. These supplements help with calming the brain and therefore can be very helpful for anxiety. And for children who have problems with attention and focusing, I may then recommend the supplement called DMG or Dimethylglycine since it has a specific effect on the brain and helps with attention issues or methyl B-12 which we know aids in attention problems as well.

I may also suggest natural anti-fungals if I feel that the child has an underlying yeast overgrowth problem. And I can use testing results that we may have done to decide that or look at behaviors that are characteristic of yeast overgrowth like goofiness, giddiness, silliness, self-stimulatory behavior and a lot of inappropriate laughter. There are various supplements that provide anti-fungal support like grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, uva ursi, goldenseal, and Allicin which is a garlic extract. We know that intestinal yeast can produce toxins that impact children neurologically and so treating this underlying yeast problem that many children with Autism have can be very helpful.

Starting a supplement program can be very beneficial. You want to start with a good nutritional foundation and then work on other issues as needed. You can help issues like eye contact, hyperactivity and the other ones I have mentioned. My website can be a very valuable resource for parents wanting to learn more about supplement options. I believe that the time spent learning about these supplements will be well worth it and can provide options to help your child.
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