The Lamaze Method is a method used by the expecting mother who wants to go through natural child birth.
This method teaches you how to relax and breath during the labor process.
It also teaches concentration and focusing on a focal point to help keep your mind off of the contractions.
You may have seen on TV shows the hard breathing that they do in labor, the hooo hooo hees which are a little more dramatic then in actual labor.
The Lamaze method also shows couples how to manage the pain without the usage of drugs, which is good for a mother who wants to have the baby naturally.
The Lamaze method is not just for the mother who wants to have the baby naturally.
In a Lamaze class they will also go over the pain medication used with labor, although Lamaze supports natural birth.
You can take a Lamaze class in your area locally.
You can take a Lamaze class toward the end of your pregnancy.
You and your partner take these classes to help with the delivery of your baby.
Along with teaching the mother to be, breathing techniques Lamaze teaches the husband or partner massaging techniques to help with the pain.
Some beliefs of Lamaze are, that birth is normal natural and healthy, that woman's inter wisdom guides them through childbirth, and childbirth education helps woman make informed health care decisions, to take responsibility for there health and to trust there inner wisdom.
These are just a few of the beliefs of the Lamaze method.
For more information on the Lamaze method and other birthing methods talk to your doctor or health care provider.
This method teaches you how to relax and breath during the labor process.
It also teaches concentration and focusing on a focal point to help keep your mind off of the contractions.
You may have seen on TV shows the hard breathing that they do in labor, the hooo hooo hees which are a little more dramatic then in actual labor.
The Lamaze method also shows couples how to manage the pain without the usage of drugs, which is good for a mother who wants to have the baby naturally.
The Lamaze method is not just for the mother who wants to have the baby naturally.
In a Lamaze class they will also go over the pain medication used with labor, although Lamaze supports natural birth.
You can take a Lamaze class in your area locally.
You can take a Lamaze class toward the end of your pregnancy.
You and your partner take these classes to help with the delivery of your baby.
Along with teaching the mother to be, breathing techniques Lamaze teaches the husband or partner massaging techniques to help with the pain.
Some beliefs of Lamaze are, that birth is normal natural and healthy, that woman's inter wisdom guides them through childbirth, and childbirth education helps woman make informed health care decisions, to take responsibility for there health and to trust there inner wisdom.
These are just a few of the beliefs of the Lamaze method.
For more information on the Lamaze method and other birthing methods talk to your doctor or health care provider.