- Life savings can be lost in seconds on the stock market.Stock Market image by Paul Heasman from Fotolia.com
Working on the stock market can be a grueling and difficult position. While stock market pros can make millions of dollars in days, they can also lose it just as fast, often through no fault of their own. The ups and the downs of the stock market attract those looking to make big bucks. For those who want to experience the thrill without losing money, stock market games are a good alternative. - Many stock market games can be too complex for average gamers due to the sheer number of stocks available for trade. Battle Stock Broker 2, a game available at the Kongregate website, is a perfect game for people who want to casually play the stock market. There are three stocks available to purchase. Players get 40 dollars of virtual money to invest in their stocks. After buying their stocks, they move to the next week. Stock prices will rise, drop or stay the same. Going through the weeks, players will start to notice trends in the game. A stock will only fall so many times before the price eventually jumps up again. A rising stock will also inevitably begin falling. The focus of the game is less on understanding the stock market and more on making calculated, careful guesses based on the rising and falling of the trends. Players can save and share their progress online.
- Sim Exchange is a free online game that features complex stock market game play. Sim Exchange differentiates itself from other stock market games by its focus. Instead of focusing on the entire stock market, Sim Exchange focuses on the world of video games. Players create a profile and use virtual money to buy and sell virtual stocks in video games. Players must read game reports, projected sales figures and reviews of video games to predict what games are going to sell and what games are going to fail. The most exciting aspect of this game is its use of real-world information. All the reviews and projected sales figures are real and the rise and fall of the stocks are based on the actual stock value. Players can use information outside the game to help succeed in the game.
- Virtual Stock Exchange is a realistic and complex game that is perfect for players with an intense interest in and understanding of the stock market. Players can sign up to create their own free profile. They are given several thousand dollars of virtual money to create their own stock portfolio. All stocks in the game are real and are updated regularly using real world stock information. Players can create their own private stock market games to compete against friends or they can join one of the thousands of open games available. Players are competing against millions of players around the world to create the most fully rounded and profitable stock portfolio. The simple interface lets players read stock reports, watch trends and buy and sell stocks in a streamlined and mouse-driven interface.
Battle Stock Broker 2
Sim Exchange
Virtual Stock Exchange