Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Gatecrash Deck Ideas - 5 Color Madness

So I'm tinkering with some deck ideas, given that when Gatecrash hits the scene we'll have the rest of the dual lands, and I realized something very interesting that should have hit me a long time ago.
Five color good stuffs decks are going to be running rampant.
I'd forgotten how easy it was to slap together 5 color decks when you had 10 dual lands to play with.
In fact, I had forgotten how degenerate my Legacy Slivers deck was with almost no cares when it came to dropping a land.
And once Gemhide Sliver hit the battlefield, well, it was almost laughable.
But here were are again.
Well, almost.
Gatecrash comes out in February with prerelease the last Friday in January.
I can almost see our first Friday Night Magic now.
Where's a good land hoser when you need one.
And that's the problem with this block so far.
There aren't any.
Five color decks have almost no barriers to entry.
I don't think Ghost Quarters alone is going to do the trick.
I do expect it to see more play than it's been getting, but how effective it'll be, that's anybody's guess.
Wouldn't it be great if they actually brought viable land destruction back? But that's another subject and I don't want to go off on too much of a tangent so we'll just leave it for another time.
So for now, what we're looking at is essentially this.
Take the best cards from all five colors and stuff them into a deck.
What do you think some of the contenders are? Well, here are some of my picks.
Black - Vampire Nighthawk.
It's a 2/3 flying deathtouch.
What's not to like? It takes care of Restoration Angel or just about anything you throw at it.
Blue - Snapcaster Mage.
Okay, they've kind of toned down the instants and sorceries a bit since they made him but he's still one heck of a utility belt.
And there are still enough decent instants and sorceries running around to make him useful.
Green - Thragtusk.
This is everybody's card that they either love to hate or just plain love.
It's a 5/3 that gives you 5 life upon entering the battlefield and a 3/3 beast token upon leaving.
What's not to love? Red - Bonfire of the Damned.
It's a one sided board wipe if you miracle it.
If you're playing an aggro deck and pull this bad boy against another aggro deck, it's pretty much game over.
I can't imagine this not seeing play somewhere.
White - Restoration Angel.
This is the Thragtusk "blink" machine and it's a dandy.
There are already a ton of players playing G/W so that they can play these two.
Imagine being able to do that AND run Nighthawks in their deck too without any problem at all.
Gold - Supreme Verdict and Sphinx's Revelation.
Couldn't leave either one of these out.
An board wipe that can't be countered and a card that not only can draw you tons of cards but can gain you life in the process.
And these cards only scratch the surface.
Imagine how much easier OmniDoor will be to play (already a 5 color deck) with the additional dual lands.
Yeah, Gatecrash is going to turn into a 5 color "good stuffs" deck before this whole thing is over.
Who needs Jund when you can play Conflux? To YOUR Magic the Gathering Enjoyment, Steven "Land Boy" Wagenheim
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