Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Early Menopause Symptoms: No Barriers To A Happy Midlife

Menopause is defined as the period when menstruation has ceased. On average, it begins at 51 years of age. However, some women start experiencing symptoms as early as 30. This means that if a woman lives up to 80 years, she may spend a third of her life in menopause.

Menopause results from a change in the balance of hormones; estrogen levels wane. This shift in hormones may result in any of the following early menopause symptoms: hot flashes, depression, irritability, mood swings, irregular, heavy or light menses, disturbed sleep patterns, night sweats, decreased sexual desire, vaginal dryness, and nausea.

Many women are interested in finding strategies so they could cope up with uncomfortable symptoms and fears that naturally accompany menopause. Despite the distressing aspects of menopause, it's important for a woman to change her views of menopause as a new phase of life rather than as a disease. As psychologists explain, "Menopause is an opportunity to experience life from a new perspective". For some, this may include lessening family obligations. To many, it is a time to cultivate a renewed sense of self - with an emphasis on prevention of discomfort while maintaining quality of life.

Medical experts have offered the modern woman a variety of ways to alleviate her early menopause symptoms.  Natural treatments using herbal preparations have become popular since the use of hormone therapy was abruptly put to a halt some years back. Herbal medicines cost less, produce no side effects, and are easy to prepare.

In alternative medicine, dietary supplements containing phytoestrogens are sometimes used to protect against hormone-dependent cancers. Phytoestrogens are weak hormones naturally found in certain herbs and plants which are thought to reduce hot flashes and other early menopause symptoms. They help protect the body from breast cancer, bone loss and high cholesterol, lower the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. Scientific research shows that phytoestrogens can imitate the action of estrogen, a hormone that influences functioning in the female reproductive system.

Foods like soy, whole grains, leafy greens, beans, and garlic containing phytoestrogens have been found effective in combating the symptoms.

Aside from that, Vitamin E has been proven by many who have used it to provide a lot of benefits to the menopausal woman. Aside from helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, strokes, and cataracts, Vitamin E protects the artery walls keeping the "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from being oxidized. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol marks the start of clogged arteries. In addition, Vitamin E also keeps the blood thin by preventing blood platelets from sticking together. High levels of vitamin E in the body reduce the risk of a non-fatal heart attack or stroke in most people.

So, you see, there is really no need for medication - much less having to take drugs if you are feeling the discomforts of menopause. Read more information at There are really no barriers to a happy mid-life for there is still life after menopause.
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