If you have been finding it difficult to conceive then there is almost certainly a fertility problem in either you or your partner. Unsuccessful conceiving attempts for almost a year indicate that one of the partners is infertile. Generally it has been found that 30% of conception problems are related to men and 30% to women and rest is an unknown parameter and can be attributed to both the partners. In this article let us find out the real causes of infertility in men and some of the ways through which you can treat this health problem.
Causes Of Infertility In Men
There are multiple reasons which can act as obstacles in successful conception, most of these factors can be treated but there are some which have no treatment options available and you will have to live with it.
1. Sperm Count
This is the most common cause of male infertility and this condition is known as oligospermia. If your sperm count is lower than 20 million/ml then you are suffering from oligospermia or low sperm count. This condition can be easily improved with the intake of natural supplements. There is a natural product named maxocum which is designed to improve sperm count and it has been found to be very effective for men with low sperm count. If your sperm count increases it will enhance your chances of successful conception.
2. Complete Absence Of Sperms
The condition in which there is complete lack of sperms is known as azoospermia and there is no cure for it in medical science. However temporary low sperm count or low sperm count condition can be successfully treated.
3. Sperm Motility
It is very important for sperms to move in a straight line in order to increase the chances of fertilization of the egg but if the sperm quality is low and is of sluggish nature they will find it difficult to move in a straight line causing difficulties in successful conception. The quality of sperms can be increased through the use of natural herbs like withania somnifera and tribulus which are well-known for treating all type of sexual ailments.
4. Sperm Size
The size of sperm also plays a vital role in determining a man's fertility rate. For increased chances of fertilization with the egg at least 60% sperms should be of normal structure and size.
These were the main and most common causes of male infertility and you might have noticed that leaving aside azoospermia all other conditions can be treated. So if you are suffering from infertility issues do not lose heart, just follow the right form of treatment and you will surely succeed in becoming a proud father.
Causes Of Infertility In Men
There are multiple reasons which can act as obstacles in successful conception, most of these factors can be treated but there are some which have no treatment options available and you will have to live with it.
1. Sperm Count
This is the most common cause of male infertility and this condition is known as oligospermia. If your sperm count is lower than 20 million/ml then you are suffering from oligospermia or low sperm count. This condition can be easily improved with the intake of natural supplements. There is a natural product named maxocum which is designed to improve sperm count and it has been found to be very effective for men with low sperm count. If your sperm count increases it will enhance your chances of successful conception.
2. Complete Absence Of Sperms
The condition in which there is complete lack of sperms is known as azoospermia and there is no cure for it in medical science. However temporary low sperm count or low sperm count condition can be successfully treated.
3. Sperm Motility
It is very important for sperms to move in a straight line in order to increase the chances of fertilization of the egg but if the sperm quality is low and is of sluggish nature they will find it difficult to move in a straight line causing difficulties in successful conception. The quality of sperms can be increased through the use of natural herbs like withania somnifera and tribulus which are well-known for treating all type of sexual ailments.
4. Sperm Size
The size of sperm also plays a vital role in determining a man's fertility rate. For increased chances of fertilization with the egg at least 60% sperms should be of normal structure and size.
These were the main and most common causes of male infertility and you might have noticed that leaving aside azoospermia all other conditions can be treated. So if you are suffering from infertility issues do not lose heart, just follow the right form of treatment and you will surely succeed in becoming a proud father.