The Congressional budget agreement late Friday night demonstrated not only how cheaply both the Democratic and Republican parties hold the people of the District, but also exposed The Washington Post as a newspaper without integrity. The Democratic and Republican parties, as well as The Washington Post abandoned the people of the District of Columbia.
On the issue of self-determination and respecting District home rule, one would have expected The Washington Post to have been a loud and leading voice defending the interests of local sovereignty, against legislative abuse by the House Republican leadership. However, because of its position on District private school vouchers, this newspaper was forced to be silent and was nakedly exposed as a hypocrite.
In an earlier editorial in support of District private school vouchers, The Washington Post wrote District private school vouchers were "No harm at all; only gain." This Congressional federal budget deal illustrates the pitfall of a newspaper's editorial and newsroom duplicity.
The Washington Post could not with any credibility demand House Republicans to keep their hands off District matters relating to needle exchange and District women's rights to abortion health services, as it defiantly supported Congressional imposition of District private school vouchers. Because its editorials and articles led the support of District private school vouchers, this newspaper was intellectually crippled to argue for the protection of abortion health services rights for women and persons afflicted with HIV/AIDS.
Playing fast and loose with truth and your principles at the end of the day always come back to challenge your dedication and commitment to your values. This newspaper has lost its voice and has forsaken its mission, if it was ever to truth. The Washington Post could not stand and fight for District women and victims with HIV/Aids, because it had bent over in the fight for District private school vouchers.
But The Washington Post was not the only institution to get caught up in the traffic jams of arrogance, dishonesty, and hypocrisy. In addition to this newspaper, other columnists and journalists; when stopped at the crossroads of justice and integrity, made a decision as reflected by this budget agreement.
Because of its corporate interests, this District hometown newspaper took a stance to support congressionally mandated District private school vouchers over the rational objections of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mayor Vincent C. Gray, and the people of the District of Columbia. Unfortunately, when the people of the District needed a corporate advocate for representative democracy, this newspaper was inkless to write with passion or with reason to the principle of District self-determination or dream of District statehood.
This Congressional federal budget deal shows The Republican Party as an army willing to kill for its beliefs, more than the Democratic Party and The Washington Post are willing to die for their principles. In intellectual fights, battles, skirmishes, and wars for its beliefs, the Republican Party is ruthless and unforgiving.
As reckless, disgusting, and disheartening as the federal budget deal is for the people of the District, there are people and institutions that do not hold their principles cheap and will fight again, always, and forever for the people of the District of Columbia from the narrow-minded, disingenuous, and charlatans of justice and democracy.
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On the issue of self-determination and respecting District home rule, one would have expected The Washington Post to have been a loud and leading voice defending the interests of local sovereignty, against legislative abuse by the House Republican leadership. However, because of its position on District private school vouchers, this newspaper was forced to be silent and was nakedly exposed as a hypocrite.
In an earlier editorial in support of District private school vouchers, The Washington Post wrote District private school vouchers were "No harm at all; only gain." This Congressional federal budget deal illustrates the pitfall of a newspaper's editorial and newsroom duplicity.
The Washington Post could not with any credibility demand House Republicans to keep their hands off District matters relating to needle exchange and District women's rights to abortion health services, as it defiantly supported Congressional imposition of District private school vouchers. Because its editorials and articles led the support of District private school vouchers, this newspaper was intellectually crippled to argue for the protection of abortion health services rights for women and persons afflicted with HIV/AIDS.
Playing fast and loose with truth and your principles at the end of the day always come back to challenge your dedication and commitment to your values. This newspaper has lost its voice and has forsaken its mission, if it was ever to truth. The Washington Post could not stand and fight for District women and victims with HIV/Aids, because it had bent over in the fight for District private school vouchers.
But The Washington Post was not the only institution to get caught up in the traffic jams of arrogance, dishonesty, and hypocrisy. In addition to this newspaper, other columnists and journalists; when stopped at the crossroads of justice and integrity, made a decision as reflected by this budget agreement.
Because of its corporate interests, this District hometown newspaper took a stance to support congressionally mandated District private school vouchers over the rational objections of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mayor Vincent C. Gray, and the people of the District of Columbia. Unfortunately, when the people of the District needed a corporate advocate for representative democracy, this newspaper was inkless to write with passion or with reason to the principle of District self-determination or dream of District statehood.
This Congressional federal budget deal shows The Republican Party as an army willing to kill for its beliefs, more than the Democratic Party and The Washington Post are willing to die for their principles. In intellectual fights, battles, skirmishes, and wars for its beliefs, the Republican Party is ruthless and unforgiving.
As reckless, disgusting, and disheartening as the federal budget deal is for the people of the District, there are people and institutions that do not hold their principles cheap and will fight again, always, and forever for the people of the District of Columbia from the narrow-minded, disingenuous, and charlatans of justice and democracy.
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