For a majority of pregnant women, the toughest part about the first phase of pregnancy is bouts with morning sickness. Morning sickness refers to those symptoms that pregnant women experience such as vomiting and nausea. The symptoms affect approximately 75 percent of pregnant women.
What Is Morning Sickness?
Morning sickness is a symptom that is difficult to understand. This is because there are plenty of other signs that are related to the symptoms. But the problem here is when the woman may not actually be pregnant. For example, there are plenty of factors other than pregnancy that can cause nausea and vomiting. Moreover, the bouts with the symptoms may not necessarily occur during the morning. Some women experience the vomiting and nausea at night or in other parts of the day.
How Can Morning Sickness Be Treated?
Because the signs of morning sickness is similar to those that will be felt during ordinary days, a pregnant woman may be tempted to take in her regular medication to relieve the symptoms. Doing this is a very dangerous decision because it may entail risks during pregnancy, which may even imperil the health of the mother or child or both. That is why treatment of morning sickness commonly considers the application of home treatment. Home treatment is better than medicines because they are cheaper and has no harmful effects during pregnancy. Home treatment methods include the following:
1) Avoiding foods and smell that makes a woman sick
2) Preparing a ginger tea by lightly pounding ginger and then set to boil. Drinking the tea will help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.
3) Changing the patterns of eating, what one eats and the quantity of the food taken.
4) Occurrence of Morning Sickness during Pregnancy
Morning sickness usually starts during the sixth week of pregnancy. The condition persists up to around the twelfth week of pregnancy. In rare cases, the signs may even persist up to the end of pregnancy. Despite the length of time that a pregnant woman will experience morning sickness, there are no known harmful effects of the condition on the health of either the child or the mother. In this case, it is best to keep the condition as it is, keeping in mind that all of it is part of the natural process of pregnancy. However, there may come a time when the condition becomes so annoying that it becomes very tempting to take medication. When one should decide to take medications, make sure that the doctor has prescribed them.
What Is the Best Way to Handle Morning Sickness?
The best way to handle morning sickness is to take food only in moderation. Doing so will diminish the chances of vomiting, which is partly caused by a full stomach. Another thing to consider is that a small intake of food will allow the stomach enough time for better digestion. This will in turn assure the body of better consumption of the needed nutrients.
What Is Morning Sickness?
Morning sickness is a symptom that is difficult to understand. This is because there are plenty of other signs that are related to the symptoms. But the problem here is when the woman may not actually be pregnant. For example, there are plenty of factors other than pregnancy that can cause nausea and vomiting. Moreover, the bouts with the symptoms may not necessarily occur during the morning. Some women experience the vomiting and nausea at night or in other parts of the day.
How Can Morning Sickness Be Treated?
Because the signs of morning sickness is similar to those that will be felt during ordinary days, a pregnant woman may be tempted to take in her regular medication to relieve the symptoms. Doing this is a very dangerous decision because it may entail risks during pregnancy, which may even imperil the health of the mother or child or both. That is why treatment of morning sickness commonly considers the application of home treatment. Home treatment is better than medicines because they are cheaper and has no harmful effects during pregnancy. Home treatment methods include the following:
1) Avoiding foods and smell that makes a woman sick
2) Preparing a ginger tea by lightly pounding ginger and then set to boil. Drinking the tea will help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.
3) Changing the patterns of eating, what one eats and the quantity of the food taken.
4) Occurrence of Morning Sickness during Pregnancy
Morning sickness usually starts during the sixth week of pregnancy. The condition persists up to around the twelfth week of pregnancy. In rare cases, the signs may even persist up to the end of pregnancy. Despite the length of time that a pregnant woman will experience morning sickness, there are no known harmful effects of the condition on the health of either the child or the mother. In this case, it is best to keep the condition as it is, keeping in mind that all of it is part of the natural process of pregnancy. However, there may come a time when the condition becomes so annoying that it becomes very tempting to take medication. When one should decide to take medications, make sure that the doctor has prescribed them.
What Is the Best Way to Handle Morning Sickness?
The best way to handle morning sickness is to take food only in moderation. Doing so will diminish the chances of vomiting, which is partly caused by a full stomach. Another thing to consider is that a small intake of food will allow the stomach enough time for better digestion. This will in turn assure the body of better consumption of the needed nutrients.