- If you have a truck at your disposal, you can make a living picking up recycled products on a route and delivering them to a plant for recycling. There are two ways to operate such a business. You could simply charge a fee for picking up the recycled goods and garner your income from that method, or you could pay a fraction for the recycled goods to your customers that you will get when you turn the recycled goods in. This second option is only effective for copper and other items that recycling facilities pay for.
- If you have land and some money to invest in equipment, you can start a recycling plant. A recycling plant acts as a central location for recyclable goods that bring in money. You accept the goods at your plant, pay a small percentage, and then resell the goods you collect. An aluminum can operation or copper collection facility are ideal. You can collect other types of recyclable material for distribution as well, charging a fee for the distribution of the recyclable materials.
- Use your expertise in the recycling business to consult with large firms about establishing effective recycling habits. Other customers might include companies wishing to operate in a more eco-friendly manner. Your consulting services can include referrals to programs and facilities that work with large companies on recycled pick ups.
- If you have sales skills, get involved in the recycling industry as a sales consultant. Selling machinery to recycling organizations or working with corporations and small business owners by selling eco-friendly products can be a lucrative business opportunity in the business of recycling.
Recycled Goods Collection
Recycling Plant
Recycling Consultant
Recycling and Green Product Sales