Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Preventing Breast Feeding Complications

Sore Nipples Babies that are improperly positioned or babies that have a strong suckle can make the breasts extremely sore and a breast pump may be needed.
Below are a few ways to help ease the discomfort.
  1. Make sure your baby is in the right position; if a baby isn't positioned correctly it can be the number one cause of sore nipples.
  2. When you have finished the feeding, expose the breasts to the air to dry, and protect them from clothing and other irritations.
  3. After breast feeding, apply some ultra purified, medical grade lanolin; make sure to avoid petroleum jelly such as Vaseline and other products with oil.
  4. Wash your nipples with water but not with soap.
  5. Teabags ran under cool water provide some relief when placed on the nipples.
  6. Varying your position every time you feed will ensure that a different area of the nipple is being compressed with each feeding.
  7. If the nipples become cracked or bleed because the baby is not latching properly, a breast pump might be used to help until the latch is mastered by both mom and baby.
Clogged Milk Ducts Clogged milk ducts are identified as small tender lumps under the skin of the breast.
Clogged ducts can cause milk to back up and lead to infection.
The best way to help unclog the ducts is to use a warm compress and ensure that you've emptied each breast as completely as possible.
Give the clogged breast first at feeding time, letting your baby empty it as much as possible.
If there is leftover milk after the feeding it should be removed with a breast pump.
Keep pressure off the duct by making sure your bra is not too tight.
Breast infection Known as mastitis, breast infection is usually due to breasts being completely out of milk and germs gaining entrance to the milk ducts through cracks or fissures in the nipple.
It can also be due to decreased immunity in the mother due to stress or inadequate nutrition.
Symptoms of mastitis include severe pain or soreness, hardness of the breast, redness, heat coming from the area of infection, swelling, and/or even chills.
The treatment for breast infection includes rest, antibiotics, increased fluid intake, applying heat and sometimes pain relievers.
Women will sometimes stop breast feeding during this infection, however it is actually the wrong thing to do.
Emptying the breasts will actually help to prevent and unclog milk ducts.
If you should choose to stop breast feeding you should at least use a breast pump to empty the breasts to help unclog the ducts.
If the pain is really bad and you can't feed, using a pump while lying in a tub of warm water will help to float the breasts comfortably in the water.
Make sure the pump isn't electric if you plan to use it in the bath tub.
Treat breast infections promptly and completely or you will risk having an abscess form.
An abscess is very painful with a throbbing sensation and swelling.
You'll also have swelling, tenderness, and heat in the area of the abscess.
If infection progresses to this point, your doctor may prescribe medicine or even surgery.
It is best to prevent by making sure you follow the above guidelines for emptying the breast after feeding using a breast pump if you have one.
Personal grade breast pumps are available at just about any baby store in town.
However your lactation specialist or doctor may recommend a hospital grade breast pump to help with emptying and unclogging.
Hospital grade breast pumps are not cheap and most can be rented from your hospital or lactation specialist.
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