Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

How Grammy Member Tiffany Cheri Price Survived Foster Care

Don't ever say you can't do it.
Tiffany Cheri Price survived the children foster care system after her parents' home burned to the ground in Newark, NJ as a child.
With her mother a victim of domestic violence and losing her children, Tiffany Cheri Price and her siblings were displaced, taken away and placed in foster care.
With a business dream to always sing and write music, she kept music in her heart despite many obstacles and many challenges to make her music work.
In New York, she worked with many big name artists opening up for shows and just trying to get in the game.
As an astute black business woman, she opened her own gift shop in East Orange, NJ at East Orange General Hospital.
For years, she just wanted to simply break into the urban music industry and get paid for it.
Her journey has led her to open for some top named acts in the entertainment field, write for some of the hip hop music industries top artists, and record for top producers in the Atlanta hip hop music scene and New York hip hop music scene.
Never one to quit, she kept pushing music.
When others stopped, she kept going.
She created mix tapes, wrote an entire album which can be purchased on iTunes, relocated to Atlanta, and is now working with some of the top names in the music industry in Atlanta's burgeoning music industry.
She created her own publishing company and is now hiring writers to work for her as she secures deals with major motion picture companies in Hollywood, California.
She is an ASCAP writer and owns all of her own publishing and writes all of her original material.
Ironically, even though it was extremely tough being in foster care and feeling a real sense of being unwanted by her parents, it's what gave her inspiration, drive, persistence, and determination.
Foster care also helped her become a people person and helped her to learn to adapt quickly to new surroundings and new people.
Kids in foster care usually have it tough, especially when they are a pre-teen and/or teenager in foster care.
These ages are the toughest ages to place kids into foster care because most foster parents want the sought after infant where they can call the baby their own.
Yes, Tiffany Cheri Price and her brothers and sisters are survivors.
They were protected by angels and she is now giving her gift back to the world to uplift, inspire, encourage, and help others in this world.
Her company, 2209 Publishing, has aggressive yet realistic songwriting goals for 2009 and beyond.
Tiffany Cheri Price says I want to become a leading, respected, sought after song writer in Atlanta.
I am now negotiating deals to see this goal become a reality with some top named producers in Atlanta.
I love music, have always loved music, and have navigated the urban music landscape without losing my soul and self respect and dignity.
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