Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Is Your Relationship in Danger Because He Won"t Propose? Here is How to Finally Make Him Propose

When you are in a relationship with someone, and you believe you want him for the rest of your life, then find ways to make him propose.
Here are some simple steps which you can follow: Don't push it Wait, wait, and wait.
Wait until he's ready.
Don't make him do something he is not ready to do, as this might result into chaos.
You will know when he's ready because he will talk you to it.
He might give you hints as well by asking you about what you think of marriage.
Guys don't usually initiate talks about marriage if they aren't prepared for it.
Give him clues Make it obvious about your wanting him to propose to you.
Talk about your dream wedding and tell him that you're hoping that day would come very soon.
You could also subtly discuss with him all the happy marriages that you see around you and how the couple's life has been blessed.
Say you're ready Open up a serious talk with him and tell him you're ready to settle down, just be careful that you don't scare him away.
If he expresses the same feelings, then you two might end up planning about your big day.
But when you sense that he's not comfortable about the topic, don't push it.
Talk to his friend If you have the chance to talk to one of his best buddy, nonchalantly tell him that you're hoping that your guy will propose to you soon.
In no time, when the two of them would get in touch, his friend may tell him about you wishing for his proposal.
Say what you think When chatting with your man, slowly divert the talk to marriage.
Utter words that would enlighten him about your outlook about marriage.
When you have make known to him your intentions of getting married, he might propose to you sooner than he has planned.
Be positive Always give positive comments about marriage so he when he thinks about getting married, negative vibes will not be entertained.
Be optimistic about your whole outlook in life as well, this positive attitude that you've got would draw him closer to wanting to propose to you sooner.
Tell him You need not be the one to propose to him, but you can tell him outright that you're eagerly waiting for that time when the two of you won't be separated anymore.
If you really have the guts and would go for the idea about girls being the one to propose, then do it.
Just make sure you'll be ready for whatever his answer may be.
Patience is a virtue, wait until your man is ready financially, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically.
Because no matter how you want his proposal to happen if he's not ready, you might be waiting in vain.
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