Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Panasa or Jackfruit

The jackfruit tree belongs to family moraceae.
It is largely found in tropical regions like south Asia, east Africa, Uganda, Brazil and Mauritius.
Jackfruit is national fruit of Bangladesh and has local name Kathal.
Jackfruit tree has strong solid trunk and grows upto 50 to 60 feet.
The barks, leaves and fruits of this tree contain latex.
The leaves are oval in shape, glossy in appearance and leathery to touch.
The tree bears both male and female flowers.
The fruits (jackfruit) are huge and weigh 5 to 25 kilograms.
The huge jackfruit contains many small fleshy fruits inside.
These small fruits contain seeds which are hard and starchy.
The flesh of these small fruits is either crisp or soft depending on the variety of tree.
Medicinal properties of jackfruit According to texts of ayurveda the medicinal properties of jackfruit varies in various stages of its development.
The raw fruit increases vata and kapha where as ripened fruit alleviates vata and pitta.
The fruit is heavy to digest and sticky in nature.
It enhances the moistness of tissues.
It acts as body coolant.
The latex of this tree has anti-inflammatory properties.
Hence it is recommended in inflamed abscesses and wounds.
Poultice of jackfruit latex helps to reduce pain and swelling in abscesses and wounds.
The flesh of smaller fruits is very heavy to digest.
It may cause indigestion.
Ingestion of raw jackfruit may cause constipation.
Hence jackfruit has to be eaten before consuming food.
Jackfruit is a strict no for patients who suffer from digestive disorders and ascitis.
The bark of jackfruit tree helps to reduce intestinal motility and hence useful in diarrhea and dysentery.
The decoction of bark is used for this purpose.
Fully ripened fruit is a very helpful in increasing quality and quantity of semen.
It helps to increase sperm count and sperm motility.
Weak and skinny people are largely benefited by ripened fruit as it increases body bulk and body energy level.
The decoction of leaves and roots are used in diseases of skin.
The leaves also help to reduce effects of poison.
The jackfruit is widely used in Chinese folk medicine.
They consider it as having cooling and nutritious properties.
The flesh and seeds are used to reduce influence of alcohol.
Roasted seeds are regarded as aphrodisiac and given to patients who suffer from low libido, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
The ash of bark and leaves are mixed with coconut oil and applied on wounds.
Precaution: Jackfruit should not be consumed by pregnant women and persons suffering from ascities, and digestive disorders.
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