Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

2 Keys to Making Money Online

Back in the day, all you had to do was write a short article and then plug your website or offer at the end and watch your PayPal grow.
Another common way to make money was by publishing a basic 250 word article on a directory site, adding a partner link and money was generated, usually, within 24 hours.
These are only some of the ways you can make money as an Internet Marketer.
Now a days, those tactics are no longer useful.
With everyone trying to make money online, it's impossible to get your site ranked in Google.
How else are people going to know about your website/product.
If you are thinking of trying to use these old school methods you are only asking for a giant headache and an empty wallet, but, if you master these 2 keys I'm going to talk about, you can make any business venture a success.
I don't care if your selling orange shoe laces or high tech blenders, you can make a ton of money just by mastering these 2 keys.
I know what your thinking, get to the 2 keys already, I'm trying to make money online! The first key is to have a COMPELLING OFFER.
It sounds like a no-brainer but let me explain in better detail what this means.
There is a reason that McDonald's is so successful, and it's not because of the food.
It's because they are unavoidable.
Every time you get off a freeway, leave your house, go on lunch break, you see the golden arches.
Like their owner said, I'm not in the burger business, I'm in the real estate business.
They are everywhere and that's what you need to make your website/product like.
Making money is a numbers game no matter how you're trying to make it.
So the law of average says the more people that see your offer, the more people are going to buy.
The second key is GENERATING TRAFFIC.
A lot of people in business only use one way of marketing their offer/business.
I don't know about you but I would rather have more weapons, not less.
Email marketing and list building is very common but should never be avoided.
A shortcut with that method is ezine marketing.
There are people that have a nice following that will accept a small fee and they will send out your offer to their followers.
Sometimes that can mean hundreds of thousands of people for $20-$50.
Phone broadcasting is also a great way to generate traffic to your offer because it not only lets people know about it, it also gets rid of the tire kickers.
Post cards are another great way to get people that aren't on the internet all day to see what you're all about.
These two keys go hand in hand to create a perfect recipe for success.
Also, let's not forget the trusty old article writing with keyword utilization.
Getting your article into authority sites like EzineArticles and YouTube are a great way to get your offer going viral.
To learn the best ways to make money online, it's important to have an understanding of the ins and outs of internet marketing.
I don't care if you have the cure for cancer, if no one knows about it, who cares.
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