You finally have that beautiful pond you always wanted. And you stocked it with magnificent Koi, which set you back upwards of $200 each. But one day, you discovered one of your Koi missing. You waited patiently from inside your home only to catch the culprit in the act: a heron trying to feast on another one of your Koi. You ran out and chased it away. But knowing birds, you realized that the hungry heron, having developed a taste for your Koi, would be back when you're not around. So you decided to take action. Some initial bird deterrents and measures you tried were only mildly successful. They included:
Koi caves. These were easy to set up and gave your Koi some cover and concealment, but heron are skilled and patient hunters. A few days after the caves went in, you found yourself short of another Koi.
Floating alligator heads. While heron are deathly afraid of alligators, they're not dummies (like the plastic alligator heads you half submerged in your pond). The smart birds soon figured out you were trying to pull a fast one when the heads just floated in the same place, not moving, day in and day out. So another Koi bit the dust.
Pond netting. This worked to a degree, but somehow, the long heron beaks speared through the net. And while the big birds couldn't remove the Koi, they injured them badly in trying to do so.
You finally called the bird control experts at Bird-B-Gone. And they offered two effective solutions to your problem.
Pond Defender
Providing a safe haven for fish, the Pond Defender's 12 interlocking plastic discs effectively block out fish predators. The discs are easily arranged to fit most ponds. For best results, two rows of Pond Defender discs will prevent large birds from reaching into the pond and attacking your fish. The discs can be easily removed for cleaning. Made of a UV- protected plastic (polypropylene) material, the Pond Defender will permit plants to grow through its geometric openings and is barely visible from the surface.
The Scarecrow
Easy to set up, the versatile Scarecrow hits any brazen heron with a stunning blast of water. The sudden water blast, startling sprinkler sound and realistic looking bird-like moving head quickly €educate€ even the most determined heron to stay away from your pond. A motion-activated sensor triggers the Scarecrow into action, providing 24/7 protection for your pond and Koi. The Scarecrow connects easily to almost any garden hose, yet it consumes just 2 to 3 cups of water per spray. Scarecrows cover approximately 1,200 square feet with a stream that reaches out 35 feet and 45 feet wide. The Scarecrow works for up to 6 months--delivering over 1,000 "firings"--on one 9-volt battery. For added versatility, scarecrows can be easily fine tuned to adjust both their sensitivity and coverage distance.
Koi caves. These were easy to set up and gave your Koi some cover and concealment, but heron are skilled and patient hunters. A few days after the caves went in, you found yourself short of another Koi.
Floating alligator heads. While heron are deathly afraid of alligators, they're not dummies (like the plastic alligator heads you half submerged in your pond). The smart birds soon figured out you were trying to pull a fast one when the heads just floated in the same place, not moving, day in and day out. So another Koi bit the dust.
Pond netting. This worked to a degree, but somehow, the long heron beaks speared through the net. And while the big birds couldn't remove the Koi, they injured them badly in trying to do so.
You finally called the bird control experts at Bird-B-Gone. And they offered two effective solutions to your problem.
Pond Defender
Providing a safe haven for fish, the Pond Defender's 12 interlocking plastic discs effectively block out fish predators. The discs are easily arranged to fit most ponds. For best results, two rows of Pond Defender discs will prevent large birds from reaching into the pond and attacking your fish. The discs can be easily removed for cleaning. Made of a UV- protected plastic (polypropylene) material, the Pond Defender will permit plants to grow through its geometric openings and is barely visible from the surface.
The Scarecrow
Easy to set up, the versatile Scarecrow hits any brazen heron with a stunning blast of water. The sudden water blast, startling sprinkler sound and realistic looking bird-like moving head quickly €educate€ even the most determined heron to stay away from your pond. A motion-activated sensor triggers the Scarecrow into action, providing 24/7 protection for your pond and Koi. The Scarecrow connects easily to almost any garden hose, yet it consumes just 2 to 3 cups of water per spray. Scarecrows cover approximately 1,200 square feet with a stream that reaches out 35 feet and 45 feet wide. The Scarecrow works for up to 6 months--delivering over 1,000 "firings"--on one 9-volt battery. For added versatility, scarecrows can be easily fine tuned to adjust both their sensitivity and coverage distance.