How can a photographers most important tool be the problem? Photoshop is wonderful.
Ask any photographer about their most important piece of software and you will hear tales of wonder about Photoshop and everything that can be accomplished with this software.
All this wonderful technology takes time.
Time away from shooting, marketing and helping clients.
It's time to envision life without this wonderful software.
Why should a photographer pretend Photoshop doesn't exist? For photographers who were born into the digital age, Photoshop has always been available.
Unfortunately, it has become a crutch that photographers depend on.
The result of which is hours and hours spent on the computer fixing images.
Photographers everywhere are spending an amazing amount of time fixing images.
All this time cuts into profit.
Profit can be pretty hard to make, so there is no reason to give it away because of sloppy shooting.
These are images that could have been created correctly in the first place, just like before Photoshop ever existed.
What happens when Photoshop isn't an option? When Photoshop isn't an option wonderful things happen.
No not at first.
At first it will be horrible.
Dozens of sessions will pass before you feel at home behind the camera.
At that time you will be amazed.
You will shoot your session and feel completely comfortable.
This isn't the amazing part.
The best part comes when you download the photographs.
You will see exactly what you expected and wanted to see.
There won't be anything that must be fixed in Photoshop.
You will no longer be a slave to your computer When is the right time to even consider Photoshop? There is a time and a place for Photoshop.
It will still be the go to software for removing zits from teenagers and drool from babies.
But you don't need Photoshop to fix problems that can be solved by proper posing and lighting.
The right time to consider Photoshop is when the image is already as perfect as it can be.
Its job is to enhance and make the good into great, not to make the poor image into an acceptable image.
Ask any photographer about their most important piece of software and you will hear tales of wonder about Photoshop and everything that can be accomplished with this software.
All this wonderful technology takes time.
Time away from shooting, marketing and helping clients.
It's time to envision life without this wonderful software.
Why should a photographer pretend Photoshop doesn't exist? For photographers who were born into the digital age, Photoshop has always been available.
Unfortunately, it has become a crutch that photographers depend on.
The result of which is hours and hours spent on the computer fixing images.
Photographers everywhere are spending an amazing amount of time fixing images.
All this time cuts into profit.
Profit can be pretty hard to make, so there is no reason to give it away because of sloppy shooting.
These are images that could have been created correctly in the first place, just like before Photoshop ever existed.
What happens when Photoshop isn't an option? When Photoshop isn't an option wonderful things happen.
No not at first.
At first it will be horrible.
Dozens of sessions will pass before you feel at home behind the camera.
At that time you will be amazed.
You will shoot your session and feel completely comfortable.
This isn't the amazing part.
The best part comes when you download the photographs.
You will see exactly what you expected and wanted to see.
There won't be anything that must be fixed in Photoshop.
You will no longer be a slave to your computer When is the right time to even consider Photoshop? There is a time and a place for Photoshop.
It will still be the go to software for removing zits from teenagers and drool from babies.
But you don't need Photoshop to fix problems that can be solved by proper posing and lighting.
The right time to consider Photoshop is when the image is already as perfect as it can be.
Its job is to enhance and make the good into great, not to make the poor image into an acceptable image.