Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Swedish Study Links Brain Damage to Cell Phone Radiation

Until a few years ago, most of the studies on the dangers of cell phone electromagnetic emissions were concentrated on the possibility that the devices may heat the brain or directly cause cancer. And many of those studies were sponsored or financed either directly or indirectly by the telecommunications industry.

Because such studies concluded that thermal (heating) effects were too minor to pose a serious health risk, or no direct link could be made to cancerous tumors, an impression was created that cell phones were safe.

The telecommunication giants that manufacture and market cell phones, build cell phone towers, and sell air time and communication services, spent many millions of dollars on advertising, publishing statements and manipulating the media into repeating over and over that cell phones are safe and health concerns are foolish completely ignoring the fact that most of the studies performed had not looked at the real questions:

What is the long term effect on the human body from cell phone radiation?

What biological interference occurs from exposure to the non-thermal low intensity pulsed microwave radiation emitted by cell phones?

Does the effect of electromagnetic radiation act as a trigger, setting off malfunctions in the body's immune system, brain and nervous systems that in time result in serious health problems, including tumors, cancer, and early senility?

Along the way, cell phone manufacturers succeeded not only in increasing cell phone use to the current estimate of 1.5 to 2 billion worldwide cell phone users, but they also succeeded in discouraging funding for research and influenced protection agencies and government funded institutes to ignore the dangers.

Now the situation is changing, mostly due to cell phone users actually suffering the effects in ever-increasing numbers and their physicians reporting the effects. Courageous researchers and privately funded studies are recognizing the statistical increases in serious health disorders among cell phone users and reporting them.

New scientific studies are now pinpointing the relevant questions, and the real dangers of frequent and long-term cell phone use are becoming evident all over the world in countries where cell phones are popular.

Swedish Study Links Brain Damage to Cell Phone Radiation

A study financed by the Swedish Council for Work Life Research and published by the US government's National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences breaks new ground by looking at how low levels of microwaves cause proteins to leak across the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

Professor Leif G. Salford*, who headed the research at Sweden's prestigious Lund University, says the voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from hand-held mobile phones are the largest human biological experiment ever. He is concerned that as new wireless technology spreads people may drown in a sea of microwaves.

Prof. Salford and his team have spent 15 years investigating a different threat: in his search for improved therapies against brain tumors, he and his group utilized electromagnetic fields to open the Blood Brain Barrier for cytotoxins. This led to the observation that radio frequencies at very low SAR** values had the potency to facilitate the passage of a protein called albumin through the capillaries into the brain and to damage neurons in the brains of animals. Those previous studies proved radiation could open the blood-brain barrier. Their latest work goes a step further, by showing that the process is linked to serious brain damage.

Prof. Salford said that although the long-term effects have not yet been proven, and that it was possible the neurons could repair themselves in time, neurons in the brain that would normally not become senile until people reached their 60s might now do so when they were in their 30s.
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