- 1). Obtain a copy of your current car insurance policy that is provided each term by your insurance company. Use the declaration page to review your current overages and deductibles.
- 2). Contact other car insurance companies by calling a local agent or searching online for quotes with sites such as MSN. Shop for policies that provide the same types of overages you currently have. This allows you to compare apples-to-apples and see which company offers the same coverage for the best price.
- 3). Choose the insurance company that supplies the overages required by you and your lender if the car has a lien holder. Make sure the deductibles for collision and comprehensive coverage are at amounts you can pay in the event you have an accident and your car is damaged.
- 4). Inform the agent or company that you plan to transfer your car insurance to their company. Ask if they provide a service to contact your previous insurance company and cancel your policy. Request a copy of the confirmation if this is a service they offer. If not, contact the company and request to cancel your car insurance policy. Give them the effective date of your new policy to make sure there is no lapse in coverage.
- 5). Sign the paperwork required by your insurance company cancel the policy. If you have paid in advance, you will receive a refund from your previous company. Pay the required premium on the new car policy to ensure it is in effect. Receive a new auto policy and insurance cards to keep in your vehicle when taking out the new policy.