Health & Medical Medicine

Asthma With Natural Care Medicine

Asthma is an episodic constriction from the bronchial tubes. It is a common disorder of people of all ages, often regarded as mysterious and frustrating to deal with.

The condition is marked by wheezing (especially on expiration), coughing, and difficulty in breathing. Asthma can be displayed and disappear without warning. If the attack is severe enough, it may kill.

The immediate reason for an asthmatic attack is tightening from the muscular bands that regulate how big the bronchial tubes. These muscles are controlled by nerves, but what triggers the nerves to create airways constrict inappropriately isn't clear. The triggers for asthma could be primarily allergic or primarily emotional or induced by exercise or respiratory infection, or it may occur with no obvious causes. It's now being considered an inflammatory disorder.

Medicine understands the physiological changes involved with bronchial constriction and fluid retention in lung tissue that induce asthma symptoms. Maharishi Ayurveda expands this understanding by:

Describing the mental, physical and behavioral factors that bring about bronchial constriction and fluid retention.
Providing natural techniques to help prevent and reverse these changes.
Based on modern medicine the physiological changes in the basis of asthma are:

A hyperactive bronchial constrictor reaction to a stimulus that creates bronchospasm and constriction of airways.
A degeneration that leads to buildup of mucous and liquids in lung tissue.
Various material and structural alterations in airway passages.
Maharishi Ayurveda describes the next types of imbalances that are major allies to the physiology of asthma.

1) Poor digestion resulting in the buildup of toxins and impurities in lung and airway tissues
When impurities accumulate in tissues they bring about many chronic conditions, including asthma. This is also true of most types of allergic and hypersensitive responses within the physiology. Maharishi Ayurveda has programs to lessen the most common sources of impurities in your body including those from:

Impure or toxic food sources
Poor digestion
Poor elimination
Improper metabolism
Physical and mental stress
According to Ayurveda, accumulation of impurities results in the debilitating changes in the basis of asthma through the following mechanisms:

Ayurveda theory says the reason for asthma is in the stomach. It describes how toxins developed by improperly digested food are carried through channels into the chest and lung area. The resulting toxin accumulation imbalances the lung and airway tissues through several mechanisms.

First, toxins themselves can irritate the linings of airways and frequently trigger an inflammatory reaction to foreign bodies that also can break the epithelial lining of airways. Secondly, medicine describes the damage of epithelial lining of airways among the major contributing factors to asthma because the epithelium creates chemicals that help inhibit bronchoconstriction. This inhibitory effect sheds when epithelial lining is destroyed by toxins and also the body's reaction to them.

Impurities begin to clog the channels of circulation towards the tissues and the channels that take nutrients into cells and waste from cells. The end result is that the cells aren't nourished properly and waste begins to accumulate in them.

When toxins accumulate in tissues, and circulation becomes blocked, usually the body's natural defenses against foreign material become activated from the accumulating impurities.
When natural disease fighting capability become over-activated the result can create the circumstances of asthma. For example, inflammation and excess fluid secretion can be a natural body defense mechanism to assist dilute and wash away impurities in tissues. When impurity buildup becomes so excellent as to make this process hyperactive, then your lungs fill up with fluid, airwaves are constricted and asthma results.

Maharishi Ayurveda contains many recommendations to enhance digestion, eliminate the buildup of impurities and lower blockage of circulation to tissues.

2) Imbalance and deterioration of central nervous system strength and stability
The amount of nervous system stability and degree of activation play a major role within the asthma condition. Nervous system function becomes active in the many neurochemical changes that lead to the heightened bronchconstriction response in the basis of asthma.

According to Ayurveda theory, the functioning mode within the physiology called Vata controls the general level of balance and activation from the nervous system. From this perspective, Vata imbalance can enjoy a major role in asthmatic symptoms and for that reason needs to be addressed. Because Vata is easily the most easily disturbed physiological principle in your body, there are a wide variety of time-tested Ayurveda recommendations open to help balance Vata and remove the symptoms brought on by its aggravation.

3) Accumulation of mental and physical stress
Experiences of high physical and mental stress are often associated with a relapse from the condition and worsening of asthma symptoms. Reducing stress therapies are an important element of the Ayurveda approach to managing asthma. Reversing your body's response to stress is aided within the Raj in-residence programs through the availability of instruction in:

The Transcendental

Ayurveda massage as well as heat treatments

Yoga asana postures and Ayurveda flexibility exercises
4) Reduction in the body's natural balancing and self-repair ability
Every medical expert must ultimately depend on your body's natural healing, balancing and self-repair ability to be able to cure disease. The main approach of Maharishi Ayurveda would be to enliven the natural healing ability from the body. Since the real condition in asthma is not the external allergen however the internal imbalance, any rise in the balancing ability from the body could potentially help alleviate the signs of asthma.
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