Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Honest Riches By Holly Mann An eBook Review

"Honest Riches" by Holly Mann, an eBook which has been available online for quite a while now, is a must read for beginners and intermediate internet marketers.
Honest Riches gives you an outline of things you need to know and understand before setting up a site.
Knowledge of these things beforehand removes all the guess work and trial and error that would certainly frustrate beginners with their first attempts in setting up a site of their own.
Honest Riches gives you the tools and the order of steps to take to help you achieve your goals more efficiently.
Honest Riches also teaches you how you can manually do things in case you're starting on a shoestring budget.
In chapter two, Holly Mann's Honest Riches talks about affiliate marketing in detail.
Finding info on this subject systematically will give you an idea which road to take once you know what's out there.
Honest Riches' emphasis on good keyword search is a must read for newbies.
Although Honest Riches explains the process in detail, a few good examples on how to do it exactly would have been better.
Holly Mann's Honest Riches also mentioned about open source.
If you're technically inclined, you'd appreciate Holly Mann's open source secrets in chapter six.
But for those who don't have websites yet, not all is lost.
Chapter four of Honest Riches takes care of that.
Those wanting to make money are able to do so with just a little elbow grease and about 5 tips from Honest Riches and you're on your way.
Honest Riches by Holly Mann talks about specific strategies such as SEO, content, the need to have a list and ways to promote your site once it's running.
The other bonuses on Honest Riches are the step by step instructions on how to make an eBook and tips using eBay.
Some of the links or sites mentioned in Honest Riches may not be available anymore or has changed names, site address or whatever.
Use Google to look for alternatives.
In the last chapter, Holly Mann's Honest Riches gives a tip for those whose businesses are geared towards import, export and international trade events.
I think this topic is generally targeted for those whose sites have storefronts similar to Amazon and the like.
SUMMARY: Honest Riches by Holly Mann is an eBook that gives you the road map that points you to the right direction giving you proper knowledge and confidence to start your online journey.
And just like any endeavor, success won't come without proper preparation, planning and hard work.
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