- Write down several Halloween related items, such as pumpkin, vampire, ghost, candy corn and witch, on index cards. Mix the cards on a table face down and have each family member grab a card. Tell them not to look at the card and have someone tape it to their forehead. Each player asks the other players' yes or no questions, such as "Am I a person," "Can you eat me" or "Am I orange?" The questions can only be yes or no questions. Each player can ask 10 questions. If he guesses what he is in 10 questions, he earns a point. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
- Purchase two paper skeletons from your local retail or craft store and take them apart. Put double-sided tape on the back of each piece and place all the pieces in two separate buckets. Divide your family members into two teams and have each team line up at the buckets. See which team can assemble their skeleton on the wall in the fastest amount of time. The first team to complete the skeleton wins the game.
- Take several different size pumpkins and write a point value on the front of each pumpkin using a permanent marker. Mark a standing line about 10 feet from the pumpkins (adjust the line according to ages). Each family member tries to toss five embroidery hoops on the pumpkin stems. For each pumpkin they ring, they earn the points on that pumpkin. The family member with the highest amount of points after five tosses wins the game.
- Divide the family members into two teams and give each team a bag of plastic spiders. Each team must select a room in the house to hide the spiders. The teams switch rooms after hiding the spiders and set a timer for five minutes. The team who find the most spiders in five minutes wins the game.
Who Am I?
Skeleton Relay Race
Ring the Pumpkins
Plastic Spider Hunt