With weather conditions, it makes a lot of sense to build a carport or a garage on your property to keep your car(s) protected and away from the elements.
You may wish to tackle this project by yourself and be able to pat yourself on the back after accomplishing the task, or you may wish to hire the job out to a local contractor.
Due to the current economic climate, you may be able to get a contractor at a very reasonable price.
The first step is to get yourself a set of professionally designed building blueprints at a reasonable cost.
If you leave this to the contractor if you decide to use one, it may cost you significantly more.
You may also be able to get yourself free plans but you will probably need to get in touch with a professional so that they can review the free plans to ensure that they are appropriate for you and provide sufficient guidance on the building project and the materials needed.
A lot of free plans do not give detailed information.
Getting a set of professionally designed plans is critical because these will list step by step instructions on building the carport, the materials needed, the quantities and the tools.
You may be able to borrow the tools from a friend or neighbor if you do not already have the tools in your possession and thereby save yourself some money.
A professional set of building plans will allow you to develop a proper budget that you can stick to unlike a free plan.
When building the carport, it will need to be able to withstand heavy wind loads because many do not have walls to screen the walls so the roof has to be designed in such a way that keeps it is firmly planted to the ground if you live in an area prone to stormy weather characterized by strong winds.
In addition, if you live in an area that experiences a lot of snowfall such as Colorado, the carport has to be able to withstand thousands of pounds of the weight from the falling snow.
As you can see, it is a good idea to buy a professional set of plans that will take into account all the above factors even though right now your carport may seem on the surface to be like a simple project which it is not.
You may wish to tackle this project by yourself and be able to pat yourself on the back after accomplishing the task, or you may wish to hire the job out to a local contractor.
Due to the current economic climate, you may be able to get a contractor at a very reasonable price.
The first step is to get yourself a set of professionally designed building blueprints at a reasonable cost.
If you leave this to the contractor if you decide to use one, it may cost you significantly more.
You may also be able to get yourself free plans but you will probably need to get in touch with a professional so that they can review the free plans to ensure that they are appropriate for you and provide sufficient guidance on the building project and the materials needed.
A lot of free plans do not give detailed information.
Getting a set of professionally designed plans is critical because these will list step by step instructions on building the carport, the materials needed, the quantities and the tools.
You may be able to borrow the tools from a friend or neighbor if you do not already have the tools in your possession and thereby save yourself some money.
A professional set of building plans will allow you to develop a proper budget that you can stick to unlike a free plan.
When building the carport, it will need to be able to withstand heavy wind loads because many do not have walls to screen the walls so the roof has to be designed in such a way that keeps it is firmly planted to the ground if you live in an area prone to stormy weather characterized by strong winds.
In addition, if you live in an area that experiences a lot of snowfall such as Colorado, the carport has to be able to withstand thousands of pounds of the weight from the falling snow.
As you can see, it is a good idea to buy a professional set of plans that will take into account all the above factors even though right now your carport may seem on the surface to be like a simple project which it is not.