Technology Programming

What Is Script-Fu?

    Standalone Scripts

    • A standalone Script-Fu script creates an image element in the main GIMP window. These scripts are useful when you're creating an image that contains many similar elements. Instead of creating each element from scratch, you can use a script to create them. To create a set of buttons using a Script-Fu script, for example, open the "File" menu and select "Create." Select "Buttons," then click a button style. Type the button's text into the "Text" box, change the color as desired and press "Enter." Repeat the process to create the rest of the buttons in the set, changing their attributes as needed. GIMP comes included with standalone scripts for creating buttons, logos, patterns and Web page icons.

    Image-Dependent Scripts

    • Image-Dependent Script-Fu scripts do not create image elements; rather, they apply a set of visual effects to an image that's already open in GIMP. Using a script in this way allows you to configure the effects simultaneously, rather than applying each individually. For example, GIMP's built-in Old Photo script combines the program's Gaussian blur and fuzzy border effects, then desaturates the image and alters its color balance, contrast and brightness. Access image-dependent scripts using GIMP's Filter menu.

    Installing Additional Scripts

    • Add-on Script-Fu scripts increase your image-editing options by combining GIMP commands in unique ways. To install a script that you've downloaded, select "Preferences" from GIMP's "Edit" menu. Expand the "Folders" section and click "Scripts." Note the folder path that appears under "Script-Fu Folders," then click "OK." Open a Windows Explorer window, then copy and paste the downloaded script into the Script-Fu folder. Switch back to GIMP, open the "Filters" menu and hover the mouse cursor over "Script-Fu." Click "Refresh Scripts" to install the new script. GIMP does not separate built-in and add-on scripts; your newly installed script will appear among the other scripts in the Filters or Create menu.

    Script Procedures

    • Because Script-Fu is a full-featured programming language, creating scripts can be a complicated process, and involves a steep learning curve. To get an idea of the capabilities of Script-Fu scripts, use the Script-Fu Console in GIMP to browse the Script-Fu commands and decide if learning to program your own scripts would be useful. Open GIMP's "Filters" menu and select "Script-Fu" at the bottom of the menu. Click the "Browse" button in the dialog box that opens, then navigate the list of Script-Fu procedures using the scrollbar. Click on the name of a Script-Fu procedure to see its function and a list of its parameters.

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