- Firefighterfireman image by Edward White from Fotolia.com
The state of Illinois requires that certain standards be met in the training of local firefighters. To qualify as a firefighter, you must be at least 21 years old, though some departments may hire you at 18 years old if you meet specific requirements. To work as a full-time firefighter, you must be 21 to 35 years old, you must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent and you must pass the written tests, physical tests and interviews prescribed by the community where you are seeking employment. Further, some areas require that you move to the community where you work. - Under 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-4, Illinois requires that most of its cities or other areas that have full-time, paid firefighters also have a fire or civil service organization called a Fire Commission. The Commission exists to hire, discipline and promote firefighters, as needs arise. Each community determines how to oversee the commission and how to assign people to the commission. Under the law, the commission is charged with overseeing the local fire company and monitoring how trainees and experienced firefighters receive instruction.
- Under the rules stipulated in the Illinois Premise Alert Program (PAP) Act, the Illinois State Fire Marshall oversees the fire training schools that potential firefighters attend, and also directs the courses that a trainee must complete. In addition to firefighting skills, rescue skills, fire prevention and fire suppression, the Illinois Premise Alert Program Act specifies that trainees must also be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Senior firefighters are also able to receive training in an area of specialty, such as arson investigation, or to refine existing skills. The state of Illinois, based on availability of funds and the needs of the fire companies, may pay for or reimburse training expenses for both trainees and seasoned firefighters.
- In 110 ILCS 365, called the Illinois Fire Service Institute Act, Illinois law directs that the University of Illinois operate a state fire academy, known as the Illinois Fire Service Institute. The institute trains firefighters from throughout the state on the University of Illinois campus. The institute also works with public and private fire companies in Illinois to research ways to maintain and improve fire protection and fire control services in communities throughout Illinois. All Illinois firefighters are able to take courses, both for initial training and "in-service" type courses at the Illinois Fire Service Institute.
65 Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) 5
Illinois Premise Alert Program (PAP) Act
110 ILCS 365/ Illinois Fire Service Institute Act.