Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Look Out For These 5 Advertising Tricks On Black Friday

There are some days that people look forward to all year; Black Friday is one of them. It’s a crazy day when prices have never been lower (not actually true) and you can get all of those gadgets and appliances at a steal (also not really true). Black Friday is also great for retailers. It was traditionally a day when stores would go from being in the red, to being in the black.

However, the problem with Black Friday is that it has become something of a magnet for shady deals and tricky wording.

Advertisers and retail stores know that people will be in a shopping frenzy, and they are more than willing to take advantage of that. Here are 5 big tricks you should look out for on Black Friday. Not every store or retailer will be doing this, but most are.

Doorbusters Are There To Lure
“Come to our store at midnight at get this 150” LED TV for a nickel!” Well, maybe not that extreme, but you will see a lot of doorbuster deals in the ads and circulars. These are loss leaders, meaning the store knows they will take a hit on them. But read the fine print. You will often see something like “limit 10 per store” or “only for first 30 minutes.” You really have to figure out what your chances are of getting that deal, and if it’s worth your time. Once you’re there, you’re going to shop, and that’s what the retailer is counting on.

There Are A Lot Of Fake Bargains
A lot of times people just assume that these slashed prices are the lowest prices the store has ever offered. This is a fallacy. The stores have often had these prices at, or even below, the prices being offered on Black Friday.

They will list a RRP (recommended retail price) and then show the current selling price. But the odds are, they never sold the item at the RRP. They’re counting on you to look at the difference in the two prices, and not do your homework.

This Is The Time To Clear Out Old Inventory
Stores know they have a lot of people on the hook, and they want to give them something to go home with. That can mean bringing out merchandise that has not been selling well, marking it down a little, and putting it out there as a crazy bargain. Even name brand products can get awful reviews. Don’t get caught up in the madness. Use your smart phone and see if that cheap TV is worth it, even if it is a Sony or Samsung.

Some Advice Contains Hidden Bias
While this article may have some good advice, it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Look at it carefully and what do you see? A lot of ads for Amazon. And if you read on to the final paragraph, you’ll see that the article basically tells you to forget all the Black Friday silliness and buy everything from Hey, it’s a great site, and you should check it out. But WalMart is going to price-match any legitimate deal you see out there, and the article doesn’t mention that. It should really say “advertorial” at the top.

Limited Time Deals Are Not Limited
Never fall for this one. It’s a ploy to get you to buy something on the spot, but the chances are you’ll find that item at a very similar price at a number of other locations, or online. It may be limited to that store, but who cares? You’re out to get the best bang for your buck, not to be loyal to a certain retailer. If it’s limited, grab your phone and do a check.

Remember, your smart phone is your best weapon against scams and tricks on Black Friday. Use it often, and use comparison shopping apps and websites to see what the actual lowest price is. Black Friday is a great day for deals, but if you don’t pay attention, it can come with a great deal of buyer’s remorse.  
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