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The 5 Best Internet Marketing Techniques

Imagine what it would be like if you could dominate your niche.
If you are like I was when I first started internet marketing, the thought of dominating any niche seemed impossible.
You will be surprised to discover that it is not impossible.
All it takes is a little hard work and patience and you will be on your way to success.
Below are the 5 popular marketing techniques you can use to help build your online business.
Social Networking- Facebook is not just for connecting with old high school friends and Twitter isn't just a virtual stage used by Celebs to entertain us with their antics.
The key to using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter is to build relationships with people.
With these relationships you build brand recognition and gain trust.
If you take things slowly and don't over promote yourself (spam), Social networking can help make your profits skyrocket.
Do Testing- When you are trying to make money online, one of the best internet marketing techniques is to test.
When I say test, I don't mean to go run out and buy a white lab coat and Bunsen burners.
What I do mean is to test techniques to see what works and what doesn't for your campaign.
This can mean testing your website to see what colors (on your site) make people buy more, what wording works best, the best place to put AdSense on your site, which affiliate programs work best, etc.
Provide useful content- To some people this is a given, but you would be amazed by the number of marketers that do not follow this simple rule.
I was doing research for the keyword "SEO internet marketing" a couple of days ago.
I did some spying to see what my competition had written.
One marketer had taken this keyword and posted it about 100 times.
At the end of their post, they then put a link to their website.
This is something you do not want to do as it makes you look bad and you will get flagged for spamming.
Don't be a pushy salesman (woman)- People can smell a salesman from a mile away.
If your landing page is full of big "click here" links, you can bet visitors will close out of your site faster than it took you to read this sentence.
Why? No one likes to be sold to.
You want to persuade people to buy things, but you will get a lot more sales if you provide them with great content (technique # 3) and include your links in your content in a more subtle way.
Track Your Website Traffic- A free Tool like Google Analytics helps you analyze where your traffic is coming from, how long a visitor stays on your site, what country they are from, what browser they are using, and much more.
Why do you need to know this? It allows you to get much needed information both to help your marketing efforts and it will help you in getting to know your visitors.
The more you know them the more you can target their wants and needs.
What happens when you give them what they want and need? You make more money.
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