I can't believe it is already August and everyone is trying to enjoy the last few days of summer. But there is something about summer, other than insufferably hot and humid days, that I just can't stand.
Whenever I'm about to go to a picnic, barbecue, on an island vacation or even into the backyard, I can hear the music from Jaws playing in my head. It's not a shark that I'm afraid of--it's a little winged terror called the mosquito.
I am a mosquito magnet. I often wonder which is worse: excruciating itching, huge swollen bites and the dark spots left behind or a dose of toxic chemicals from products that contain DEET? Whether a natural product will work seems to depend on the mosquito. And I swear Skin So Soft only deters them if they get stuck in the oil and suffocate.
One thing that does seem to help is using an oscillating fan to keep them at bay, but you can't carry a big fan with you on a hike!
I know mosquitoes serve some purpose on this earth other than to extract sweet blood like mine, so they are here to stay. I do have some tips for preventing the bites and if you're unlucky like me, and end up with dark spots on your legs and arms, I have tips for getting rid of dark spots caused by mosquito bites.
Photo: This is actually a mosquito bite on my thigh, and yes, it is as large in size as my knee! ©Gerrie Summers