Some people may think that people are the strongest in the nature.
In fact, the human body is rather tender to be threatened by various vices, such as the inadequate intake of water and excessive intake of coffee.
These vices can gradually destroy our life.
The first vice is to drink water inadequately, which can cause the aging of brain, induce the cardiovascular diseases and affect the metabolism of kidney.
When people are working in office, they usually forget to drink water.
In order to prevent the danger, people should absorb enough water for their bodies.
However, people with weak intestinal functions should not drink water until they feel thirsty, or the metabolism of water inside the body can be seriously disturbed.
The second vice is to regard fruits as main food.
Although fruits contain abundant vitamins and sugar, they can not provide protein and trace elements for the human body.
The inadequate supplementation of protein will cause nutritional imbalance and induce various diseases.
It is necessary for people to know well about their own physical constitutions so as to choose suitable food.
The third vice is to drink wine excessively.
It is known to all that excessive drinking can cause the liver diseases and affect the reproductive system.
If people want to drink wine, they should first understand the variety of wine.
It is beneficial for people to drink red grape wine moderately, which can prevent the heart disease effectively.
At the same time, people should understand the best time of drinking.
The fourth vice is to make tea with a vacuum cup, which can destroy the nutrients contained in tea leaves, such as vitamins, tannic acid and theophylline.
Thus, the nutritional value of tea will be seriously decreased and toxic substances can be increased at the same time.
People should change cups when they want to make tea.
The fifth vice is to smoke after dinner.
When people smoke after dinner, the poisoning caused by the cigarettes will be worsened.
After dinner, the gastric and intestinal peristalsis will be strengthened and the blood circulation will be accelerated.
Thus, the toxic substances contained in cigarettes can enter the human body more quickly than usual.
It is beneficial for people to quit smoking gradually.
The sixth vice is to drink coffee excessively.
The excessive intake of coffee can decrease the pregnancy rate, induce the heart disease and reduce the efficiency of work.
Therefore, people should drink coffee moderately in daily life.
In fact, the human body is rather tender to be threatened by various vices, such as the inadequate intake of water and excessive intake of coffee.
These vices can gradually destroy our life.
The first vice is to drink water inadequately, which can cause the aging of brain, induce the cardiovascular diseases and affect the metabolism of kidney.
When people are working in office, they usually forget to drink water.
In order to prevent the danger, people should absorb enough water for their bodies.
However, people with weak intestinal functions should not drink water until they feel thirsty, or the metabolism of water inside the body can be seriously disturbed.
The second vice is to regard fruits as main food.
Although fruits contain abundant vitamins and sugar, they can not provide protein and trace elements for the human body.
The inadequate supplementation of protein will cause nutritional imbalance and induce various diseases.
It is necessary for people to know well about their own physical constitutions so as to choose suitable food.
The third vice is to drink wine excessively.
It is known to all that excessive drinking can cause the liver diseases and affect the reproductive system.
If people want to drink wine, they should first understand the variety of wine.
It is beneficial for people to drink red grape wine moderately, which can prevent the heart disease effectively.
At the same time, people should understand the best time of drinking.
The fourth vice is to make tea with a vacuum cup, which can destroy the nutrients contained in tea leaves, such as vitamins, tannic acid and theophylline.
Thus, the nutritional value of tea will be seriously decreased and toxic substances can be increased at the same time.
People should change cups when they want to make tea.
The fifth vice is to smoke after dinner.
When people smoke after dinner, the poisoning caused by the cigarettes will be worsened.
After dinner, the gastric and intestinal peristalsis will be strengthened and the blood circulation will be accelerated.
Thus, the toxic substances contained in cigarettes can enter the human body more quickly than usual.
It is beneficial for people to quit smoking gradually.
The sixth vice is to drink coffee excessively.
The excessive intake of coffee can decrease the pregnancy rate, induce the heart disease and reduce the efficiency of work.
Therefore, people should drink coffee moderately in daily life.