Things You'll Need
How to Water Orchids
1Water your orchids when it is warm and sunny. Early in the day, or at least before noon, is best. This way, your orchids will dry out by the time the sun sets. If there is too much water left on your orchids by evening, it can promote bacterial and fungal growth, which may kill your orchids.
Water your plant only once or twice a week, depending on the weather. In the summertime you should water your orchids twice a week, in the winter, only once. Orchids in smaller (5 or 6 inch or less) pots may need watering more often than those in larger pots. The potting medium (soil) should always remain damp but not soggy. The soil may appear to be dry on the top but still be damp or wet underneath the surface. To check the soil, you can poke a finger or stick into the soil to make sure the soil is proper before watering.
Use room temperature water when watering orchids. Try to ensure the water is not 10 degrees F or more in difference with the air temperature. Water that is too cold or too warm can fatally harm your orchids. While rainwater is best, it is not always ideal. If rainwater is unavailable, try using purified water if possible.
Water from the top using a watering can or cup until the water is free flowing through the drainage holes in the pot. While watering, be careful not to pour the water directly on the leaves or new growth. If you are unable to avoid wetting the leaves or new growth, be sure to wipe or otherwise dry the leaves and new growth immediately after watering. You can also submerge about a 1/2 inch of the bottom of the pot into the water for about ten minutes to let the water be absorbed through the bottom of the pot.